Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 5 March 2023

This week we’re going to be messing around with gender expectations.

For your team name, we want you to tell us a “men’s” thing that more women should do, or a “women’s” thing that more men should do.

Looking after your skin

Lift weights

Complimenting your friend’s clothes

Asking for a raise

Anything associated with one gender that another gender should do more often will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 26 February 2023

You’ve probably heard of the first rule of Fight Club.

For your team name this week, we want to know what is the first rule of Trivia Club.

Always gamble five

Never leave an answer blank

Everyone gets one veto per quiz

Don’t talk during the audio questions

Don’t change your original answer unless you’ve got a damn good reason

Tell us about your team’s cardinal trivia rule for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 19 February 2023

This week you’ll actually get a point for making a mistake.

If your team name attributes a song to the wrong band or artist you’ll get a bonus point.

It’s Not Unusual by Tom Petty

Thriller by Michael Buble

Another Brick in the Wall by Pink

Imagine by John Mayer

Buffalo Soldier by Bob Dylan

Any song mistaken for another artist will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 12 February 2023

It’s Valentine’s Day this week, and we’re going to have fun with romantic comedies.

For your team name, we want to you to come up with a rom com cliché that doesn’t work in real life.

If you sneak into her house and fill it with flowers, you’re going to get arrested

Interrupting someone’s wedding to declare your love makes you look like a sociopath

She’s your ex for a reason, so maybe leave her alone

Any unrealistic romantic trope will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 29 January 2023

We’re dealing with people in songs this week.

Think about the people in one of your favourite songs, and tell us what you think they’re doing now.

Sk8er Boi attempted a career in the UFC and is now hawking cryptocurrencies

Roxanne transitioned from turning on the red light to campaigning against sex work

Jolene lost her flaming locks of auburn hair when she developed alopecia

Major Tom is still floating in a tin can

Any update on the life story of someone in a song will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.