Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 4 September 2022

Ok, let’s suppose you were a burglar.

But instead of stealing things, you can only mildly inconvenience your victims.

Think about what you would so, and make that your team name.

Delete everything on their DVR

Hard boil all of their eggs

Put all their teaspoons in a bucket, fill it with water, and leave it in the freezer

Change the times on the microwave, the stove, the wall clock so that they are all different

Remove the batteries from everything, and stack them neatly on the kitchen table

You can’t take anything away with you, but you can make their lives unpleasant.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 28 August 2022

We asked a question recently where the answer we were going for was Lawyer, but a lot of teams guessed that it was Drag Queen.

Why not a Drag Queen Lawyer?

That got us thinking. What other occupations could you mix?

Bartender & marriage counsellor

Bank teller & ski mask salesman

Gravedigger & used goods dealer

Veterinarian & butcher

Any two combined jobs will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 21 August 2022

You’ve probably heard that Scott Morrison had himself sworn into a bunch of extra ministerial jobs while he was Prime Minister.

There has even been speculation that he may have been sworn into other jobs too.

So for your team name this week, we want you to speculate about what other jobs he may have been secretly doing.

Captain of the Cronulla Sharks

Thoracic surgeon

Scomo will be challenging for the middleweight UFC title

PE teacher

I’m pretty sure Scomo was my Uber driver

Any prospective job for Scomo will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 7 August 2022

Sometimes you do stupid things. This week we want to hear about them.

Specifically, we want to know the dumbest thing you did while your brain was on auto-pilot.

I drove all the way to the office on my day off.

I microwaved dinner and then dropped it in the bin.

I waited for a stop sign to turn green.

Grabbed a roll of toilet paper, walked to the toilet to replace the empty roll, and dropped the new roll in right in the bowl.

Any stupid thing you did without thinking will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 31 July 2022

This week we’re going to be thinking about pizza.

Specifically, your team names are going to replace one word in a film title with the word “pizza”.

He’s Just Not That Into Pizza

Pizza at Tiffany’s

500 Days of Pizza

My Big Far Greek Pizza

Pizza of the Caribbean

Pizza Pan

Zack and Miri Make a Pizza

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Pizza

Any pizza based films will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 24 July 2022

You may have seen the He/She’s a 10 but… trend on Twitter or TikTok.

This week, we want you to come up with your own “He/She’s a 10 but” comparison for your team name. And make sure you give us the result.

She’s a 10 but she clips her toenails in bed… 6.

He’s a 10 but he goes to the shops barefoot… 5.

She’s a 10 but she has a lot of guy friends… 10… nothing wrong with that.

He’s a 4 but your dog loves him… 8.

She’s a 10 but she calls her father “daddy”… 7.

They’re a 10 but they’re a regular at iQ Trivia… 11.

Any “He/She’s a 10 but” comparison will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 17 July 2022

Here’s the situation. The world is ending.

A spaceship is set to take 1,000 of the best & brightest to a new planet to keep the human race going.

Who is going to be waiting at the door assuming they’re going despite the fact that they’re not on the list.

Novak Djokovic



James Corden

Remember, some names will likely come up more than once. You can’t all say Donald Trump.

But tell us who is overestimating their own importance and we will give you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 10 July 2022

This week we want to know just how petty you are.

Specifically, we want your team name to be the pettiest reason you ever broke up with someone.

Her birthday was coming up and I couldn’t be bothered shopping for a gift

I’m not dating someone who uses an Android phone

He always answered the phone by saying “yello”

Give us a petty reason to split & we will give you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.