Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 6 October 2024

This week we are looking for life hacks.

And we don’t mind if you get a bit unethical.

You can get anywhere if you wear a hi-viz vest

Buy one movie ticket, stay there all day

Fill a baby bottle with vodka & tell them your wife & kids are already inside the theme park

Become a real estate agent

Any life hacks of questionable ethics will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 22 September 2024

Recently one of our hosts got hit with an “OK Boomer”, despite being two decades away from being even a young boomer.

So for your team names this week, we want to know the last thing that made you feel old.

Chronic back pain.

Someone born the day I could legally drink can now legally drink.

I used to be younger than pro athletes. Now I’m older than all of them.

Literally anything on TikTok

Any things that make you feel old will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 15 September 2024

Maybe you saw the Presidential debate. But even if you didn’t you probably heard the accusation that immigrants are eating cats and dogs.

For your team name this week, we want you to imagine you are in a political campaign, and come up with a more unhinged accusation. It doesn’t have to be real. In fact, it will be better if it’s definitely not real.

My opponent is actully a zombie

Dolphins have figured out mind control and if we don’t stop them they will start WW III

Cavemen are voting

Unicorns exist and are being used by the military

Any crazy accusation gets a bonus point.  No truth allowed.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 8 September 2024

Last week we asked about things many people find attractive that you don’t.

This week your team name is going to be something most people don’t find attractive that you do.

A man who looks like he’d make a good shopping mall Santa

Slightly crooked teeth

Deep voiced women

Bigger than average noses

When they absentmindedly hum to themselves

Any unusual thing you find attractive gets a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 25 August 2024

Ok. This week it’s relationships.

For your team name, we want to know what’s the pettiest reason you’ve ever rejected somebody.

I swiped left because he had boxes in the background of his Tinder pic

She looked at her phone while I was showing her The Godfather

His middle name was one letter off from my dad’s name

She didn’t like the taste of the beer I brewed

I hate the colour grey and he wore grey socks once

One of her nostrils was bigger than the other

He dropped something and said “whoops”

Any petty reasons to reject someone will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 18 August 2024

Recently we we’re writing questions and came across the name of Welsh rugby player Alun Wyn Jones, and thought that was abut the most aggressively Welsh name it’s possible to have.

So that’s going to be our team name theme this week.

We want you to pick a group, and make your team name the most stereotypical name for that group.

Shazza Vegemite

Georgios Papadopoulous

Sean O’Guinness

Jacques LeMoustache

Ivan Vodkarov

Becky PumpkinSpice

Any stereotypical names will get you a bonus point..

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 11 August 2024

This week we’re putting you in the movies.

But not in a major role.

For your team name this week, we want you to tell us what role you would play if you were a minor background character in a film.

Depressed guy in corner

Guy who gets killed to show the situation is serious

Joyless neighbour who calls the police on underage teens

Pedestrian jumping out of the way of speeding car

Girl being catcalled by main villain

Any minor character you would be ideally placed to play will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.