Think of two animals.
Now combine them.
Now make that your team name.
Cat + Owl = Meowl
Any merged animals will get you a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
Think of two animals.
Now combine them.
Now make that your team name.
Cat + Owl = Meowl
Any merged animals will get you a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
The holiday season is wrapping up, and you may have had house guests staying with you.
For your team name, we want to know about the most audacious or entitled house guest you ever had.
Thanks for letting me stay. By the way, I don’t believe in wearing clothes at home.
My mother in law decided I was staying up too late.
I lost the key you gave me, so I changed the locks.
The air conditioner works better if you run it while you’re out and leave the windows open.
Any ridiculously entitled house guest behaviour will get you a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
So by the time you’re at trivia, another Christmas will have passed.
We want to know how someone ruined it.
My niece gave my dog chocolate
A backyard cricket dispute resulted in stitches
My conspiracy theorist uncle decided to drop in unannounced
A power cut on Christmas eve meant the food for Christmas lunch was ruined
Any story about what ruined a perfectly good Christmas will get a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
It’s that time of year. It’s Christmas movie time.
For your team name, we want you to imagine what a minor character in a Christmas film is thinking.
I’m unemployed because a high flying businesswoman fell in love with a small town guy in a Hallmark movie and the company went out of business
I think something is going on at the McCallister house
Arrest that child running past airport security with no boarding pass
I didn’t even want to be at my husband’s Christmas Party at Nakatomi Plaza, and now I’m a hostage
Any Christmas films from the point of view of a background character will get you a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
A lot of old movies couldn’t be made now.
And this week you are going to be updating old movies to make them woke.
After being captured by Jabba the Hutt, Leia is dressed in a normal prison uniform
12 Rational Jurors who are racially and gender diverse
The original Mrs Von Trapp had access to birth control and didn’t have seven children
Mark Poppins
Any old movies made woke will get you a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
You’ve either done it, you’re going to do it, or you’ve done it and haven’t realised how cringy it was.
For your team name this week, we want you to tell us the cringiest thing you’ve ever done to impress a crush.
Pretended I liked Twilight.
Attempted a skateboard trick and wound up with a concussion.
Learned to speak Chinese. She was Korean.
Got a friend to punch me hard enough to give me a bruise so I could say I won a fight.
Any cringeworthy things you’ve done will get you a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
There are a lot of tourists around these days, and this week your team name is going to give them some advice.
But not good advice. It’s a lot more fun to give terrible tourist advice.
So use your team name to suggest the worst places to go.
Thai prison are good for long term accommodation
Bringing a case of whiskey to Mecca will make you really popular
Haggling with that Mumbai street vendor over 20 cents is a good use of your time.
That Rio taxi driver is definitely reliable
They won’t mind if you take a little piece of the Mona Lisa
Any terrible travel advice will get you a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
We noticed recently that NCIS is expanding to Sydney.
How they propose to have American military police solving crimes in Australia we haven’t figured out yet.
For your team name this week, we want you to suggest case in your local area for them to solve.
Avocados scanned as apples.
Manhunt after someone got away with to paying for five minutes parking.
A tenant is suspected of killing their landlord, but it could be one of the five other people crammed into the unit.
Three people are pursued for jaywalking at 3am with no traffic around.
A Newtown hipster crosses the Harbour Bridge and is reported missing.
What really happened at Engadine Maccas?
Any petty local crimes for NCIS to investigate will get a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
This week we’re getting stupid.
For your team name, we want to know the dumbest argument you’ve ever had.
Whether an apple could beat an orange in a fight.
If you listen to an audiobook, can you say you read the book?
Can a dog ride a horse?
If a wolf kills a deer, is it murder?
Any ridiculous arguments will get a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
Have you ever forgotten the word for something and had to come up with something else to call it?
This week, we want you to make that your team name.
Call a hospital car
Pass me the food tweezers
Pick up a bread sword
That’s a really big milk moose
I could really go for a Jewish doughnut
I need a pregnancy detector
I’ll have a drunk white woman brunch cocktail
Any term to replace a word you forgot will get a bonus point
Have an interesting week.