Tag Archives: trivia

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 December 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

May be an image of 7 people and text


What’s the cringiest thing you’ve done to impress a crush?

Pretended to like trivia (we had a LOT of these)

Pretended to like World of Warcraft

Feigned interest in Scientology

Pretended to like highland dancing

Pretended I liked Jordan Peterson

Faking an interest in Taylor Swift

Photoshopped Taylor Swift into my Spotify Wrapped

Spent $500 to dye my hair red

Went rock climbing even though I hate the outdoors

Drawn on abs

Introduced her to my waifu pillow

Learned how to speak Croatian

Moved to Vancouver

Told them I have Club Penguin membership

Started a beat box krew

Agreed to do a nude photoshoot

Put a guitar on display even though I don’t play guitar


Disco Infidelity

Monkey Dracula Roleplay Musical

Sloppy Rat

Historic House

Rotund Candy Cane

Crinkly Quorum

Sexy Table

Christmas Shopping

Marshmallow Hat

Furry Lamp

Postmodern Caterpillar

Limbo Clock


Someone mistook a photo of Ryan Reynolds for “one of the hobbits”.

A country bordering Kuwait? How about Ku-nine.

One two separate quizzes we had a team get a perfect score in round one.

And one player’s first stop after flying into the country was to go to trivia. Jet lag and all, trivia comes first.

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 3 December 2023

You’ve either done it, you’re going to do it, or you’ve done it and haven’t realised how cringy it was.

For your team name this week, we want you to tell us the cringiest thing you’ve ever done to impress a crush.

Pretended I liked Twilight.

Attempted a skateboard trick and wound up with a concussion.

Learned to speak Chinese. She was Korean.

Got a friend to punch me hard enough to give me a bruise so I could say I won a fight.

Any cringeworthy things you’ve done will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 December 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They probably didn’t know for certain exactly how long Neil Armstrong spent in space, but they guessed it, and that was good enough.


Bad trivia advice was everywhere.

Visit Canberra (from a team in Canberra)

Visit Adelaide (from a team from Adelaide)

Only children and the elderly swim between the flags

Hitchhiking to camp at Belanglo State Forest is the best way to get there

Don’t bother filling up before crossing the Nullarbor

By all means, feel free to feed the bears

Who needs travel insurance

Don’t miss Mount Druitt, the Paris of the west

Fly your drone in North Korea

Go to the Occidental and hang out with Team Bagpuss

Haggis tastes better rare

Go to the outback. A Dingo definitely won’t steal your baby

Bring your boogie board to Bali

“Você é péssimo no futebol” means “How do I get to the soccer stadium?” (Look it up in Portuguese.)

Buy everything the street vendors try to sell you

Wuhan has delicious bat soup

Bring your dildo to Dubai

Bali tap water tastes better if you don’t boil it

Arab Spring Break

Try attending iQ Trivia without booking


Hippo Petal Racecar

Sheep Shearing Festival

Silly Pickle

Sandy Lions

Pungent Chocolate

Bouncing Banana

Hybrid Insurance

Smelly Dog

Animals Playing Music

Edamame Cowboy

Noisy Burrito

Dimetrodon Bunnies


One non player who was passing through the room while we played a Placebo song, and was so pleased he couldn’t contain himself.

Trotsky was killed with a leg of lamb.

See you next week.