Name the one word named musician from the alternate definition.
A male duck.
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.
Name the one word named musician from the alternate definition.
A male duck.
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.
Name the one word named musician from the alternate definition.
A person who shows people to their seat.
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.
This week we’re getting stupid.
For your team name, we want to know the dumbest argument you’ve ever had.
Whether an apple could beat an orange in a fight.
If you listen to an audiobook, can you say you read the book?
Can a dog ride a horse?
If a wolf kills a deer, is it murder?
Any ridiculous arguments will get a bonus point.
Have an interesting week.
Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.
If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.
You can probably figure out what all of these made up terms mean.
Knowledge tournament
Big metal dealie you use to dig food
Danger noodles
Sky water
Cow juice
Hand heat shield
Time tellers
Disco chickens
Fizzy hops juice
Beer is happy water
Pass the box of wiener covers
Pointy stabby utensil
It’s on the tip of my mouth flapper
Shave your lip caterpillar
The plane station
Pasta cake
Carpet sucking machine
Hand shoes
Foot fingers
Can you put on the water cooker
Lemon Elephant Eggs
Duck Fashion Show at the Melbourne Cup
Discombobulated Pineapple
Burly Sportsball
Succulent Glove
Bullish Bartender
Slimy Belconnen
Calm Pollen
Victorious Gargoyles
Scandinavian Brain
We found out that our trivia was sufficiently interesting that a player put away their sewing to focus on the questions.
One player was so thrilled to hear Hamilton, Jamiroquai, and Crazy Rich Asians that she shook with glee on each of those audio clues so much that we thought she might be having a seizure.
And we had a record performance in a lightning round. After being the last player standing at the letter M in round 3, he proceeded to answer the final 13 letters perfectly to complete the lightning round.
We’ve seen that before, but at a time when we allowed a lot more passing, and in that case they only had to answer three more questions at the end.
The entire room, even people who weren’t playing trivia, ERUPTED in applause when Andy nailed the last question.
See you next week.
Of the five most popular boys names from the 1900s, which are still in the top 100?
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.
Of the five most popular girls names from the 1900s, which are still in the top 100?
We removed the middle names from these three named celebrities. Fill in the middle names.
James Jones
Sarah Gellar
Michael Duncan
Francis Coppola
Jon Jovi
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.
Have you ever forgotten the word for something and had to come up with something else to call it?
This week, we want you to make that your team name.
Call a hospital car
Pass me the food tweezers
Pick up a bread sword
That’s a really big milk moose
I could really go for a Jewish doughnut
I need a pregnancy detector
I’ll have a drunk white woman brunch cocktail
Any term to replace a word you forgot will get a bonus point
Have an interesting week.
Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.
If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.
They won first place, then they won the jackpot, then they got booed. But in a good natured way.
You had plenty of advice for horror movie characters.
For f*ck’s sake put the lights on
Mind your own business about what they did last summer
Don’t take the golden eye out of the unnaturally large holy woman’s skull
Service your car regularly
Winter custodian at the Overlook Hotel might sound like a cool job, but…
Don’t read the tome bound in human skin
Ditch the high heels
Be the killer
If you kill someone, tell the cops
Sprint in a zig zag
Maybe don’t live alone in the woods
Call the cops
Never follow the scary sound
Never split up to cover more ground
Garlic necklace
Nuke it from orbit
Don’t be Jamie Lee Curtis
Don’t go in there
Don’t get a job at the mechatronics place where 5 children were murdered
Don’t f*ck in the forest
Don’t skinny dip with friends at night in a remote lake
Don’t be black
Be white and a virgin
It looks dead but cut the head off anyway
Check the backseat
You already own enough creepy dolls
Burn all porcelain dolls
Verklempt Orange
Silly Sausage
Vegas Mashed Potatoes
Flailing Kangaroo
It’s Not Coming Home
Chonky Lizard
Filipino Barbie
Mummified Mermaid
Wombat Barnacle
We asked for the European capitals represented by flags, and one team guessed Sydney.
Countries that border Romania? Bulgaria? Correct. Bolivia… nope.
Weight classes in boxing beginning with C? Surely Chonkyweight.
One team were such big Britney Spears fans, that they guessed “Oops I Did It Again” no less than 3 times, when we didn’t play it once.
See you next week.
We found a song that has bad grammar, and we fixed it.
Name the song.
The altitude of all mountains is insufficient.
The first new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.