Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 September 2017

If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These three came last last week, and this week came in first, AND won the jackpot. Which explains why they look so happy.

And this crew came in dead last, but knew enough bout QI guests to win the jackpot.


There were plenty of politicians incorporated into media.

Aung Sang Suu Kyi’s All That

Xi Bangs

Theresa May the Force be With You

Call Me Theresa Maybe

The Darling Buds of Theresa May

The Tony Blair Witch Project

Putin Boots

Angela Merkl in the Outfield

Star Wars: A New Pope

What Does the Vicente Fox Say

Forrest Trump

Lady and the Trump

Kill Bill Clinton

Abraham Lincoln Park

The Empire Strikes Barack

Susilo Chitty Chitty Bambang Yudhoyono

Do you really want Duterte?

Hitler me baby one more time

The Big Shorten

John Howard the Duck

Bob Hawke Down

Malcolm Turnbull in the Middle

If I could Turnbull time

All Abbott The Base (No Turnbull)


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Penis (NSFW)

Colourful Dog

Ostentatious Hat

Dirty Leprechaun

Fluffy Pencil

Slippery Spaghetti (NSFW)


One team speculated that one of the most watched channels in Australia was the Tim Tam Channel (which, if it doesn’t exist, REALLY should exist.)

When listing large countries bordering only one other country, one team added Greenland to Denmark’s area, because we didn’t explicitly say not to. (And because technically correct is the best kind of correct.)

Instead of answering a movie question with Casablanca, one team answered “Nazis Are Bad” which is basically the same thing.

One player proposed that a photo of Robert De Niro in a car being blown up was from a Disney film.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 26 August 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you

These guys came in last place last week, chose the special subject, and staged a miraculous recovery to win this week.


You did very well at being fair to both sides of conflicts.

To be fair, Poland was in the way

To be fair, Pauline was probably just trying to keep warm in that burqa

To be fair, maybe Pauline was wearing that burqa because she forgot her sunscreen

To be fair, that cyclist was riding pretty slow

To be fair, Malcolm Turnbull is hotter than Tony Abbott

To be fair, the child was provocatively dressed

To be fair, that 8 year old was wearing that skirt

To be fair, kids mature faster at the Neverland Ranch

To be fair, the American people voted for me

To be fair, Mussolini got the trains to run on time

To be fair, Hiroshima was overcrowded in 1945

To be fair, the iceberg was there first


Skiing Eagle

Seismic Doors

Fat Dragon

Musty New York

Burdened Nothing

Gay Jesus


Instead of answering “Tommy Lee Jones”, one team answered “the guy who played K in Men in Black.”

A bonus question was decided by an arm wrestle.

One team didn’t know what the coffee shop in Seinfeld was called, but they did know that the real life exterior was of a place called Tom’s Restaurant, which is sufficiently obscure and interesting to get a point anyway.

Somehow, someone managed to mistake a photo of Jeff Goldblum for a photo of Meryl Streep.

And finally, someone complained that our questions were too hard to cheat on. Now we’re considering making that our slogan.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 19 August 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Two guys visiting from Switzerland knew about regions of Italy bordering France, but gave us the German spelling rather than the English spelling. (Not to worry. They got a prize for coming in second last anyway.

And a jackpot went off for this team on the first week.  (If you keep getting things right, the jackpot will never build up to a dramatic cash bonanza!)


Here are your combined film titles.

My Big Fat Greek Godfather

The Spy Who Loved Me, Myself, and Irene

The American Psycho President

Dr Doolittle Miss Sunshine

The Curious Case of Ron Burgundy

The Dark Knight at the Museum

Harold & Kumar Go To White Chicks

Running Man on Fire

You’ve Got Letters from Iwo Jima

Titanic: On Stranger Tides

Titanic: Cruise Control

Captain American Pie

A Fistful of Jedi

The Wolf of Wolf Creek

Dr Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Is The Devil: Study For a Portrait of Francis Bacon

Dr Strangelove Actually

Withnail and I, Robot

The 40 Year Old Virgin Suicides

Debbie Does Dallas Buyers Club


Ugly Junk (accompanied by a NSFW photo of one player’s ugly junk after surgery)

Strawberry Strawberry

Tasty Chair

Trippy Cat

Crapulous (hungover) Frog


The team who thought Mark Antony’s famous speech in Julius Caesar began with the words “French Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.”

One team thought that one serving of Tim Tams was 1.5 Tim Tams. (Who the hell eats HALF of a Tim Tam.)

One team described late 90s band Days of the New as “Shitty Grunge Band.”

The guys who thought Ewen McGregor lost 35kg for his role in Trainspotting.

One of our hosts read out one of the answers in the process of reading out the question.  (Sometimes we’re not as smart as we sound.)

The player who said the following quote, presented here without context. “I’m really good at picking out teenagers.”

One player absolutely insisted that Will Ferrell wasn’t in Wedding Crashers. He was. It was an uncredited role, but he was in it.

One team who tore up the paper they wrote their answers to the homework question on, and had to reassemble it at the last minute.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 12 August 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Here’s what you wanted to bet on on The Bachelor.

She refuses the rose: 100-1

Nip slip: 1-1

The Collective IQ of all Contestants is greater than 50: 100-1

Team Bagpuss will skip trivia for The Bachelor: 10-1

Budget cuts at Channel Ten: 10-1

Me Watching the Bachelor: 1,000-1

Someone Says Something Intelligent: 5,000-1

I won’t be able to turn off the episode: 50-50

The Bachelor gets involved in an orgy: 3-7

The Bachelor gets struck by lightning: 6,250:1

Osher & Matty Start a Family: 5-1

One of the girls is a guy: 69-1

The Bachelor falls in love with his reflection: 1-10


Flying Chair

Pretty Pumpkin

Running Cafe

Large Tomato

Circular Pickle

Clumsy Whale


The room full of Australians who didn’t know about Launceston being the first city to be lit with hydroelectricty, when a random guy from Thailand did.

The team who answered a question on a poet quoted in Dead Poet’s Society as “a dead poet” rather than Walt Whitman, and got a point anyway because Walt Whitman is in fact dead, and the answer was technically not incorrect.

One team got a point for describing Yankee Doodle as “the song where the guy puts a feather in his cap and calls it macaroni.”

One team described the cast of Mythbusters as moustache guy, glasses guy, Asian guy, guy who hurts himself, and token hot girl.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 5 August 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These guys came in last place but still knew enough about 90210 to win the jackpot.

These guys knew enough Mexican history to win a jackpot on their first show ever.

And these guys won both first place AND the jackpot. They had a pretty good night.


Here you are putting a positive spin on a bunch of nasty characters.

Stalin brought incarcerated people into the workforce

Stalin reduced obesity

Judas was doing God’s work

Darth Vader offered his son a position in the family business

Cruella De Ville had great fashion sense

Ivan Milat: Australia’s first (and best) Uber drive

Ivan Milat always picked up hitchhikers

Ivan Milat increased tourism into Belanglo State Forest

Justin Beiber gets fat people dancing

Joseph Heiter (the Human Centipede guy): Bringing people closer together

Saruman: Making white the new black

Rolf Harris – Kind to animals

Sylvester really loved Tweety, but struggled with demonstrating his affection

School shooters get a lot of kids out of having to do their homework

Genghis Khan was a good father

Jeffrey Dahmer – Paleo before it was cool.

The Boogeyman: Keeping children safely tucked in bed since the dark ages

George Pell: Providing Sex Education to Children

Eddie Obeid boosted the Sydney property market

And finally…

Bill’s not such a dick because he finally put the Team Bagpuss team name on This Week in iQ Trivia


Clever Phone

Yellow Yoda

Melting Iceman

Sexy Cheese

Sweaty Rose… There once was a stripper named Rose, who sweat from her tits to her toes.  She was paid by the hour, and named after a flower.  She’s the wettest of all of the hoes.


We had to clarify that the sun is not a planet.

Someone thought that Donald Trump’s office is octagon shaped. (Wishful thinking perhaps?)

They team who wasn’t actually playing but assured us they had gotten almost everything right anyway. (Definitely wishful thinking?)

The girl on one team whose teammates didn’t believe her on a question about who Disney’s Aladdin is designed to look like. But on the upside, now she gets to feel smug for at least a week.

And finally… One of our regulars lost a bet last week over one of our questions, and had promised to get a tattoo.

She did it.

That subtle “gt” stands for garbage trash because she thought a Cranberries album was a Garbage album.

Now we’re instituting a new policy.

If you get a tattoo based on one of our questions, we will buy you a drink.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 July 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These guys knew enough about the medal count of the French Olympic team over history to win $149.

These three knew the sixth most spoken language in the EU, and won $98.

And these two teams knew enough Latin to know about centripetal forces, but only one spelled it correctly.


Here are the evil heroes you came up with.

Cinderella – A golddigger with delusions of grandeur

Barack Obama abandoned the American people when they needed him most

Barack Osama

Elon Musk: Killing Australian coal jobs

Lifeguards: Kissing unconscious people

The Tooth Fairy: Starting fights at hockey games

Lassie is a real bitch

Wonder Woman: Knocking off the entire gold bangle range from Lovisa

Cardinal Pell’s Lawyers

Mother Theresa: Sweatshop talent scout

Mother F*cker Theresa

Fred Swallows Foundation

Churchill – Mass murderer or troops

Gandhi: That dickhead who held up traffic

Gandhi: Poster boy for anorexia

Oskar Schindler: The Nazi who rounded up 100s of Jews

The Wiggles: Convincing children to play with hot starches, friends with knives, and dangerous creatures

James Bond: He takes your woman, destroys your town, crashes your cars, and makes terrible puns

And finally… there were those teams that referenced our hosts.

Joe the American who tortures us with inane questions every week.

Bill’s a dick because he never puts the Team Bagpuss team name on This Week in iQ Trivia. (Well you made it this week.)

Canadian interrogates Australians for two hours. (Who ever could THAT be about?)


Kicking Hand

Running Pilgrim

Magnificent Car

Wild Ragamuffin (or in this case, Wilde Rags a Muffin)

Agnostic Elephant

Deaf Audience (when nobody in the audience suggested anything our annoyed host trolled the audience with this subject, and the audience trolled back.)


When asked a question about the number of players on an indoor football team, asking if the goalkeeper counts as a player. (Of course they bloody do!)

The team that bought a drink for a Korean patron who wasn’t even playing trivia because we asked a question about Korean animal sounds.

The British team who insisted they be allowed to answer with the British Prime Minister instead of the Australian Prime Minister on a history question… and then getting it wrong anyway.

The team that bet Pi points on the gambler’s question, and wound up winning by 0.14159 points.

And the player who lost a bet on a question, and who apparently now needs to get a tattoo. By next week we will know if they’ve followed through.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 July 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You’ve got some very firm views on what should be made illegal.

Children at weddings should be illegal

Children should not be allowed on airplanes

Saying Literally when you should say Figuratively

Men in Lycra

Loud Chewers

Short Pours

Queue Jumpers


Not Keeping Left

Friday Afternoon Meetings

Taking calls on speakerphone without earphones

Charging more than $5 for a pint

Charging extra for tomato sauce with a meat pie

Having a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle when the Bread isn’t Buttered

Well Done Steaks

People who request Gluten Free food when they’re not Celiac

It should be illegal for any other team to win at trivia


Pretty Bouncer – As judged by Kolo the Bouncer

Flying Chimpanzee

Frisky Coathook

Moist Elephant

Kinky Apple


The “token guy” who was brought in to answer questions on sport but failed at all of the sport questions.

An entire room full of people comparing the proportion of circumcised and uncircumcised penises they have seen (as if what they’ve seen is a representative sample of genitalia worldwide.)

The team who gave us detailed instructions on how to perform a prostate massage… on the assumption that we really needed to know.

And finally, the team who came in last place at their first show, chose an advantageous special subject, and came storming back to win the prize for second in only their second quiz.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 July 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These four were able to accurately estimate the number of time the word “Barbie” is said in the song Barbie Girl, and it won them cash.

And these guys missed out on the jackpot by misspelling “Kabuki” last week, but won it this week for knowing about the half life of Carbon 14. They also came first in the main quiz.


If I had a dollar for every time someone made a Jerry Maguire Reference, I’d show them the money.

If I had a dollar for every time we had to come up with a trivia team name I could afford to pay someone to come up with our team name.

If I had a dollar for every time Joe mispronounced a foreign word I’d buy Trump Tower.

If I had a dollar for every time someone cut me off in traffic, I’d have enough money for therapy.

If I had a dollar for every time someone recognised me from Tinder.

If I had a dollar for every trivia question I got wrong I wouldn’t care about losing at trivia.

If I had a dollar for every time I forgot my wallet, I’d be able to afford a back up wallet.

If I had a dollar I’d have a dollar.

If I had a dollar for every time I got a dollar, I would have infinite money.

If I had a dollar I’d have 60 Euro cents.

If I had a dollar for every point that this team name gets me I’d have $1.

If I had a dollar for every time the Quizmaster pressured me to have a team name tonight I’d had one dollar.

If I had a dollar for every time I saw a house under construction in Sydney, I still couldn’t afford a house in Sydney.

and finally… If I had a dollar for every time this quiz was uninteresting I’d have $0.


Anti-Semitic Beer

Delightful Banana – Warning – NSFW

Parsimonious Squidward

Arrogant Hatstand

Horsey Porridge

Vibrating Microphone


Not answering “Russia” when asked about countries with the most Russian speakers.

The team who illustrated all of their answers.

The only team made up entirely of men being the only ones to get a bonus question about tampons.

And finally…

At one point we asked to the nearest million, how many people in Australia had both parents born in Australia according to the latest Census.

The answer, for anyone who cares, is 11 million.

One guy got very agitated, because, as he put it, if there are 11 million people with two parents born in Australia, that means 22 million parents, which adds up to 33 million people, and that’s more than the population of Australia.

We tried explaining it to him. You know, explaining how logic and numbers work, but we gave up. His friends tried explaining it too, but nobody could seem to convince him.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 8 July 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


This team won with an iQ Trivia record high 78 points.


You came up with a lot of new movie titles by adding the letter R.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stoner

The Beer Movie

Mad Marx

Pulp Friction

The Boner Collector

Pray it Forward

The Crying Gamer

Ice Rage

The Silencer of the Lambs


Planet of the Rapes

Beauty and the Breast

Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them


Feisty Hoe

Turgid Arachnophobe

Racist A

Hairy Airplane

Wallowing Dog

Dead Car


Answering that chocolate is black rather than brown.

Mixing up Apocalypse Now and Acropolis Now.

Finding out that a regular team was sufficiently inspired by a Brooklyn 99 question that the whole team binge watched the entire series.

The team who got a question on Indian food by buying a drink for an Indian patron.

Answering “whiskey” when whiskey is not on of the four options given.

Referring to Gary Oldman as “the British guy who was in that Dracula movie.”

Referring to Michael Caine as “the old guy from Miss Congeniality.”


See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 1 July 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

These guys won a jackpot too. It was a very good night for them.


Here are the petty things that enrage you.

iQ Trivia Music Questions

Quizmasters using dramatic… pauses

People who don’t stand on the left side of the escalator

Actually “literally” when it’s not actually literal

When people don’t wave when you let them in front of you when driving

Toilet paper mounted backwards


People asking “how are you” and not caring about the answer

The M4 between 7-9

Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan… my name’s not Alan

Tagged in a shit meme

Less vs Fewer

Changing your password to something so complex that you have to write it down

Venomous and poisonous are not the same thing

When bar tabs are only valid for a week

Social media grandstanders

Loud chewing during a movie

Slow Wifi

Your and You’re

That it’s illegal to push slow walkers into traffic

Bald Headed Canadian Trivia Hosts


Suffering Contract

Hungry Spoon

Cat-like Dog

Flirty Mummies

Flabby House

Spacey Monkey


Claiming Ciudad de Mexico as a national capital beginning with the letter C.

When asked for a US state beginning with M, we had to reject, Miami, Milwaukee, and… Mebraska.

Complaining that the content of a history question took place before you were born. (Yeah, that happens sometimes.)

The Canadian not getting a jackpot question on Canadian history.

Answering “a spoonful of happiness” which is the same thing as a spoonful of Nutella.

A room full of people singing along to the karaoke backing track we played as a music question.

Yelling out “PESTO! PESTO! PESTO!” and then watching another team actually write down “pesto” to get the bonus question.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.