Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 24 June 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It has been building for several weeks, but these guys finally won $310.


You do plenty of things that make no sense.

Pushing the elevator call button when it’s already lit

Pressing the crosswalk button repeatedly so it will change faster

Yelling at horror movie characters

Checking your pockets for coins when you don’t have any

Responding “yeah, nah” to questions

Nodding on the phone

Asking “can I ask you a question?”

Duck & cover in a nuclear holocaust

Apologising when someone bumps into you

Arguing with die-hard Trump supporters

Speaking louder to foreign people

Gambling five points before you hear the question

Coming to a trivia night without vetting your team members general knowledge

Not signing up to the weekly iQ Trivia e-mail


Moist Hat

Smelly Elephant (made with toilet paper.)

Running Racist

Fat Stepmother

Fat Plane

Exciting Politician


When thinking of countries spelled using the letter Q, we had to remind one team that Bali is not a country, and it’s also not spelled using the letter Q. Another team guessed “Queeftopia”.

Answering the sport teacher from Glee instead of Jane Lynch. (As usual, it’s not actually wrong.)

A team full of Scotsmen not getting a question on Sean Connery.

Numerous teams guessing that the political movement beginning with the letter F that was named after a bundle of wooden rods tied together was “faggots.”

A team asking for a hint on a question where the answer was Oasis, and one of our hosts singing “I don’t believe that anybody feels the way I do about this question.”

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 17 June 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These medical students knew about obscure medical acronyms and got one over on their friends on another team.  Sometimes we get oddly proud of creating arguments between friends.


The world of wrestling may have a whole list of unintimidating superstars coming if your team names are anything to go by.

Stone Cold Steve Urkel

The Lactose Intolerator

The Iron Sheep

Bollywood” Bulk Bogan

The Undertickler

The Caretaker

Jack the Paper Ripper

Captain Fluffles

The Grim Weeper

The Ultimate Worrier


Greasy Pineapple

Lunar Cheese

Slippery Wall

Bleeding Penguin


A Chinese speaking player helping us with Chinese pronunciation.

The team who gave us a helpful sketch proving that the USS Enterprise could not hit a Klingon Bird of Prey as far away as the moon with a photon torpedo.

(What a bunch of nerds, eh?)

The team that couldn’t figure out what drink was an anagram of “DANCING ON IT” so they went to the bar to order an anagram of “DANCING ON IT” Hey, it’s not cheating if you’re buying a drink.

The Scotsman who couldn’t remember William Wallace.

The team who tried to claim a point for writing down the wrong answer and then scratching it out to change it to something else.  (It doesn’t work that way.)

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 10 June 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


There were plenty of films with a single word added.

Field of Wet Dreams

Guys and Blowup Dolls

Orange Pulp Fiction

Point Break Dance

A Clockwork Orange Juice

Midnight in Paris Hilton

Gone in 60 Unsatisfying Seconds

The Shawshank Coupon Redemption

Lord of the Onion Rings

Lord of the Boxing Rings

Porn Star Wars

Frozen Peas

Die Hard Slowly

Manchester City Slickers

Rogue One Direction

The Dark Chocolate Knight

Sex Toy Story

Alien vs Sexual Predator

The Importance of Being Ernest Hemingway

Blackhawk Down Syndrome

Passionfruit of the Christ

Pacific Rim Job

Jonestown Suicide Squad

Kill Bill Cosby


Burning Chicken

Sparkly Potato

Sporadic Peanuts

Shiny Lamb

Thoughtful Car

Sunny Rendition


Clarifying if we wanted to know about Olympic swimming medallists in the summer or winter Olympics.

Guessing that driving at a constant 100km/h would get you around the equator in one day.

The team of self declared sports experts talking themselves out of a right answer on Don Bradman’s statistics.

Declaring that the layer beneath the Earth’s crust is the cheese stuffed crust. Apparently Pizza Hut got the idea from geology.

Getting nine times four wrong in a lightning round when the answer is something that needs to include the letter X. You fail at both spelling and maths.

Blanking in a lightning round when asked for a word beginning with S that is the part of a shirt where your arm goes, and a teammate shouting from the back of the room “it’s a sleeve you f*@#ing moron!”

A team coming within two questions of finishing all three rounds of a lightning round. It’s a new iQ Trivia record.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 May 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Spelling Shirley MacLaine’s name wrong cost these guys a jackpot of well over $100.


Hollywood may be coming to you for ideas on remakes of films from the perspective of other characters.

I accidentally left my child at home. Turns out he’s a sociopath (and subscribes to castle doctrine.)

Titanic -There’s room for two on that door

KRRROAGH! Star Wars from Chewbacca’s perspective.

Honey the Kids Blew Up the Death Star

Draco Malfoy and the Day my Father will Hear About

Tyler Durden is a Nutjob

I go on a legitimate hunting trip and some army dudes try to spoil my fun – Predator

A guy in the forest kisses a dead body while seven guys watch

Frenchie: Beauty School Dropout

Jaws: I’m Hungry

Alien: Just trying to have dinner and they shoot me out the airlock

Ellen Ripley 3

I had a really weird dream on a plane trip – Inception

Hey Daniel San, that was an Illegal Head Kick

We never asked to be brought back from fossilised mosquitoes anyway

My Damn Rebellious Teenage Mermaid Daughter


Sh!tty Bar

Sadistic Pickle

Yellow Prize

Angry Fish


Arguing that trains should be considered as “passenger vehicles”.

Claiming that Plutonium is used as a fertiliser because Homer used it on the Simpsons.

A native Italian speaker answering a question on the building materials used by the Three Little Pigs in Italian. Yes, we gave a point for “paglia” instead of straw.

One of our player earning the right to be smug for a year by smashing the gambler’s question.

Half a dozen players miming the bass line of Give It Away by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 May 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

Make up numbers to help make rich white men richer

If it fits

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatory

Helping people who can’t do stuff, do stuff

Selling pornography under the guise of literature

Underwater ceramic technician (dishwasher)

Mortician: I molest corpses and dress them up


These two teams knew enough about snooker players and the cast of Mighty Ducks to win hundreds of dollars worth of sweet jackpot cash.


You were pretty blunt about what you do for a living.

Performing double entry services for payment (accountant)

I guess when you die (actuary)

Blankly looking at spreadsheets figuring out how to fit Bagpuss into a trivia team name

Playing with yeast

I get paid to tell people they’re wrong – Lawyer

I try to find things that don’t exist

Shaving bitch’s buttholes (dog groomer)

I look at runny poo

I try not to electrocute myself

Steal people’s money and give them dead birds

I make pretty pictures and tell likes for a living – Marketing

I get paid to draw pretty pictures of buildings that rarely get built

I hope people’s doctors try to kill them – Medical malpractice lawyer

We serve bread and wine for breakfast


Athletic Pig

F*cking Berry

Gone Bush

Underwhelming Cow

Silent N


Instead of answering “Christopher Reeve”, answering “that quadriplegic horse guy.”

Instead of answering Destiny’s Child, answering “Beyonce and those two other chicks.”

Instead of answering Lori Petty, answering “that crazy blond from Orange is the New Black.”

Instead of answering Jon Lovitz, answering “the chubby Jewish guy from Saturday Night Live who also had a guest role on Friends.”


An Indian guy arguing that India is not part of Asia.

The lawyer who didn’t know what “de facto” meant.

Trying to bribe one of our hosts with an Oporto voucher.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 13 May 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

The not so curious case of Benjamin Button – Baby grows up, leads an average, boring life, and dies of old age.

Harry Potter: Wizard gets told he’s not a wizard and gets shoved into a cupboard.

Losing Nemo


We had plenty of movies in reverse this week.

The Blind Side: A woman becomes annoyed with her adopted son’s inept football playing and abandons him on the side of the road.

Alice in Wonderland: A girl comes down off a wicked acid trip.

It: Sewage clown revives children.

The Jungle Book: Pedo Bear steals boy from village and leaves him to the wolves.

Legally Blonde: A successful lawyer becomes a bimbo.

Finding Nemo: A dad ditches his son and loses friends along the way.

Memento: Same movie.

Weekend at Bernie’s: Guys leave a beach party, go back to work, and their boss comes back to life.

Beauty and the Beast: Lady marries rich hunk, he lets himself go.

Benjamin Button: A baby is born, grows old, and dies in a vagina.

Grease: Slutty Aussie chick becomes girl next door.

Die Hard: German architects rebuild Japanese office tower and send John McClane on a plane trip tearing his family apart.


Dirty Clown

German German

Funky Chef

Insomniac Gnome


Beginning with the letter O and with six letters, “Orange” is a suburb of Sydney.

Jack Dawson recovered from the sinking of the Titanic to take the place of John F. Kennedy on PT 109 in WWII.

The team who answered “a failed person from the Apprentice” rather than saying “Donald Trump.”


The very blonde woman who accidentally gave a Hitler salute when answering a lightning round question.

The Maltese woman who got a question on Malta wrong.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 May 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

Time flies when you can have your cake and eat it too.

Whatever doesn’t kill me, killed the cat.

Time is the root of all evil.

Fortune favours the bird in the hand.


There are times when you come in a distant last place, and STILL manage to win everyone else’s money in the jackpot round.


Plenty of new proverbs were created.

A bird in the hand never boils.

Two wrongs don’t build a Rome.

Killing two birds with one rolling stone.

Birds of a feather throw stones at glass houses.

If you can’t beat ’em, throw stones.

Add insult to a piece of injury pie and eat it too.

A bird in the hand is worth a penny for your thoughts.

You can beat a dead horse but you can’t make it drink.

People in glass houses shouldn’t cry me a river.

A bird in the hand spoils the broth.

New York, the City of Angels.

Worth every penny for your thoughts.

Sticks and stone may break my glass house

Happiness doesn’t grow on trees.

You can’t put all your eggs in a glass house.

You can lead a horse to water and eat it too.


Aggressive Pig

Dirty Corn

Depressing Year

Apologetic Lamp

Skipping Hat


Arguing that one of the holiest sites for Jews is the Whaling Wall.

The name for a moebius strip is failed origami.

The team who claimed that the surname Baxter is associated with chiropractors because they crack “bax.”

Saying that Rocky fought Anthony Mundine.  (An obnoxious blowhard who never shuts up.)


The guy who was so enthused by knowing the answer to something that he injured one of his teammates reaching for the pen.


Asking if it’s cheating to use your calculator on a math question. Of COURSE it’s cheating! And it only took you ten seconds anyway!

Saying “well 100m was a longer distance 100 years ago.”

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 29 April 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

Samson & his Donkey (appropriate for Anzac Day Eve.)

Mickey Mouse & Hannibal

Trump & Biden – No photo, but believe us, these musical theatre nerds did a hell of a job!

The Dominion League


Sometimes knowing about polyhedrons and the Rugby World Cup turns into cash.

These guys won $67 Australian, $1 US, and $1 Singapore, so maybe some overseas travel is in store.


We got plenty of famous duos this week.

Fred Astaire & Ginger Spice

Homer & Sheldon

Snow White & the 7 Avengers

Sao Tome & Tobago

Adam & Steve

Kermit & Ivanka

Rick Astley & Morty

Dr Who & Mr Hyde


Anti-Semitic Fish

Married Chip

Violent Mouse


The ten year old boy who knew more about the relative military power of countries compared to Australia and won the final bonus round.

The team who knew RuPaul’s real first name is actually RuPaul, and also knew his middle and last name and earned a bonus point for their obscure knowledge.


When someone asked “what’s AFL?” If you don’t know, you probably won’t get this question.

Guessing the 1920s, and then cheering prematurely when you her the answer begins with 19, only to find out you’re four decades off.

The two ordained clergymen who got a question about Jesus wrong.

A team made up of 20 people who broke the record for the biggest team in iQ Trivia history and proved that 20 people is about three times bigger than you need to win.

Yelling out “Adagio for Strings” when you heard a music question, and repeating yourself as your teammates struggled to shut you up.

Half of a room of what seemed like educated people falling for an absurd lie about Coca-Cola being an effective spermicidal contraceptive. What the hell is wrong with you people? We made up the most absurd and unbelievable lie we could think of, and somehow you believed it.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 April 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Manus Island

Harry Potter and Bagpuss go $400 Deep in the Pokies

Harry Pothead and the Philosopher’s Cone

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Goon

Harry Potto, just waiting for me mate


Harry Potter and the Ginger Witch from Ipswich knew more about Australian Prime Ministers and depression than anyone else and won $67.


Harry Potter and the Wheel of Fort-Goon

Harry Potter and the Durry Break

Harry Pot-ter and the Stoner’s Ugg Boot

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Nauru

Hazza Potto and the Dodgy Bogans of Cronulla

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Harden the Fuck Up

Harry Potter and the Flaming Galah

Harry Potter and the Deathly Everything in Australia

Harry Potter and the Shitty Rail Express

Harry Potter and the Cursed Drop Bear

and Harry Potter and the Expired 457 Visa


Stupid Tricycle

Caressing Dart

Voluptuous Velociraptor

Broke Anaconda

Drooling Ox


The team who answered a question about the name of the main character from Gladiator with his full name and the long revenge speech he gives.

A room full on people being offended by Twilight being described as a “film.”

A room full of people simultaneously imitating T-Rexs when trying to figure out how long their arms were.


The team who was one Scotsman short when we asked a question about Scotland.

The team who mistook a picture of Don Bradman for Abraham Lincoln. Seriously.


See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 15 April 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

Abraham Lincoln: Scores 4 in 7 years

Lady Godiva: Swipe Right if you like my outfit. Swipe Left if your name is Tom.

Adolf Hitler: Always Swipes Reich

Bagpuss Age 12: We already did this in TriviArt

Karl Marx: Let’s seize the means of reproduction

Jesus: Don’t expect a second coming


A lot of the jackpot was their own money, but they won it all back and then some knowing about English football grounds.

These guys took home nearly $400 for knowing about early 90s literature.

And someone in this group finally found a use for their University of Woolongong degree.


Historical people on Tinder? You came through.

Jack the Ripper – I just want to get to know you inside and out

JFK: Take a shot at me

Jesus – Wanna get nailed?

Joan of Arc: Burn me and I’ll burn your Siege of Paris

Noah – Two is a party

Moses: I’ll burn your bush

Albert Einstein – Spacetime isn’t the only thing that’s curved

Reichmarschall Göring – Swipe right and I will luft you waffe your feet

Marilyn Monroe: Roses are red, violets are blue, if you want me to lift my dress, swipe right too

Martin Luther King: I had a dream… and it was racy

Shakespeare – I’m good with words but you should see my magic marker

Henry VIII: Six times married divorcee seeks new love. Have you got the neck for it? Hurry up and swipe right. Chop chop.


Hungry Bicycle

Disgusting Green Tree Frog

Bouncing Balls

Belarusian Banana

Fat Ball

Sneaky Polar Bear


The team who when asked for an example of onomatopoeia, gave an example of onomatopoeia in Hindi. (Seeing as we weren’t in a position to dispute them, we took their word for it.)

The claim that along with Harold Holt, Natalie Wood, Jeff Buckley, Percy Shelley, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele were all picked up by Chinese submarines after being lost at sea.

The claim that New Zealand Post would soon start delivering vowels phonetically pronounced.


The team who thought Queen Victoria was Asian.

The following statement. “You have to ask that pasta question again. Our Italian guy was in the toilet.”

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.