Tag Archives: week in review

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 August 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about oil companies paid off.


Pizza films? You came through.

Edward Pizzahands

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Pizza

Five Easy Pizzas

Schindler’s Pizza

The Hunt for Red Pizza

The 40 Year Old Pizza

Ocean’s Pizza

In Cold Pizza

Pizza Actually

Harry Potter and the Pizza of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Pizza

Harry Potter and the Pizza of Fire

Fantastic Pizzas and Where to Find Them

The Lord of the Pizza: Fellowship of the Pepperoni

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Pizza

Debbie Does Pizza

Pizza Does Dallas

Teenage Mutant Ninja Pizza

Jurassic Pizza

Dial M for Pizza

Dude, Where’s My Pizza

Pizzas on a Plane

No Pizza for Old Men

Mystic Pizza


Sexy Pickle

Gamey Squid

Useless Bacon

Horny Sydney

Buoyant Tupac

Voluptuous Motorcycle

Mysterious Tuba

Biased Doctor


We asked a slightly risque question about pegging at some of our shows, and we’re pretty sure some people got it wrong rather than admit to knowing what pegging is.

Apparently doing air guitar helps you identify a song when you only get to hear the guitar part of We Will Rock You.

One team left the homework on the Chinese Zodiac up to one member of their team who was Chinese, assuming he would know it without googling. It sounds like ethnic stereotyping, and maybe it was, but it worked. He did know it without googling.

When we asked a beer question and told the room the bar sold this exact beer, one player went to the bar to order “the Trivia Special”. Hey, that’s just buying a drink.

Faced with trying to name Pierce Brosnan Bond films, one team said Mamma Mia… which would have been a VERY different film.

And one team of first timers announced at the start of the show that they were going to cheat. They came in last. So if they cheated, they really suck at it.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 30 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Winning a jackpot on a lucky guess is still winning.

It pays to know about monsters.

People keep winning.


You’re pretty choosy when it comes to dating.

He’s a 7 but he cooks & cleans up, so he’s a 10.

They’re a 10 but they organised Splendour this year. 2.

He’s an X but he doesn’t understand Roman Numerals… III.

He’s a 10 but he’s a Manly supporter, so he’s a 4.

She’s a 10 but she thinks the earth is flat… 3.

He’s a 10 but he’s not completely circumcised, so he’s a 6.

He’s a 10 but he wears socks with sandals… 2.

They’re a 10 but they work in retail… 6.

She’s a 10, but her rash is a -10.

He’s a 10, but his dad is an 11.

They’re a 10 but they clap at the end of the movie… 5.

She only known binary, she’s a 10.

They’re a 10 but it’s out of 100.

She’s a 6 but due to inflation she’s a 10.

He’s a 10 but he uses a flip phone… 7.

She’s a 10 but she has a 100 day streak on Duolingo. 6.

He’s a 10 but he uses Lynx… 2.

He’s a 10 but he gambles zero on the gambler’s question. Zero.

He’s a 10 but he convinces you to change your trivia answer and he’s wrong… 6.

They’re a 10 but they’re crap at trivia… 3.


Horrendous Fire

Cuddly Rabble Rouser

Salty Communism

Salacious Tapeworm

Shiny Glass

Dastardly Anthony Albanese

Squishy Apple

Silver Flamingo

Depressed Mona Lisa


We played Dirrrty by Christina Aguilera, and one team guessed that it was the Australian National Anthem. That would make official occasions VERY different.

One team answered Korea to a question where the answer was Japan… and then tried to claim that they were the same thing. Uhhhh… no. We pretty sure both hundreds of millions of Korean & Japanese people would disagree with you.

And our current events question about Quadball? One team thought that was dodgeball played on quad bikes. It’s wrong, but someone REALLY needs to invent that sport.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 23 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


The biggest news this week was the biggest jackpot in iQ Trivia history going off at $598 by a team who knew just enough about soap opera settings.

And they knew Malaysian states well enough to win $50.


Who is vastly overestimating their importance assuming they would be evacuated from an earth wide apocalypse?

Bill from iQ Trivia

Kanye West



Me (obviously)

Millions of middle aged straight white men

Ellen Degeneres

Boris Johnson

Prince Andrew

Greg Norman

Michael Scott

DJ Khaled and his wife

Jared Leto

Amy Schumer

Greta Thunberg

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Tucker Carlson

Rupert Murdoch

Rudy Giuliani

John Barilaro

Donald Trump

The Sussex’s

Ted Cruz


Pete Evans

Elon Musk


Bulbous Cicada

Catastrophic Cardigan

Frothy Beer

Homophobic Curtain Rod Lightning

Crepuscular Bobblehead

Hearts on Fire

Spiky Farmhouse

Dressy Reptile

Smooth Pinapple

Drunk Whale Riots

Hot Simian Owlbear


One team shot from last place at halftime to first place at full time. The gambler’s question did its thing.

Beginning with the letter G, what currency was used in the Netherlands before the Euro? Ganja, according to one team.

One player was caught googling the cast of Inglourious Basterds right after we asked a question about it. He claimed he was on Hinge. (You’re not making us like you more.)

A team of Sri Lankans didn’t answer Sri Lanka on a cricket question when it was one of the five correct answers.

And one team argued about whether to risk it and go for a fourth point in our minefield bonus round or play it safe with the three points they thought they had. They argued for a good five minutes before opting to play it safe… and then realised that all three of the answers they went with were wrong.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Hot damn are you petty when it comes to relationships.

They put the milk in first

My mum liked them more than me

Said “mint” too often

They ordered a prosciutto pizza and then removed the prosciutto

They clapped when the plane landed

Kept tomato sauce in the cupboard

He did Crossfit

He watched everything with subtitles on

They were bad at trivia

He drove a Datsun

They didn’t like chocolate

Chewed too loud

He watched me reverse park

She found out about my other girlfriend

He wore a cap in bed

Ugly feet

They liked meat lovers pizza

Allergic to peanuts

He played golf simulator instead of trivia

Not eating their vegetables

He lived on the south side

Had a rose quartz iPhone

They used too many acronyms

Held their fork the wrong way

They spelled it Parma not Parmi

He looked better in my underwear than I did

He liked me


Cringey Toupee

Mellifluous Mozambique

Ingrained Shoe

Sleepy Lobster

Flamboyant Gary

Famous Sporting Moment

Naughty Beer

Plump Diamond Ring

Disappointed Tourists in Paris

Mischievous Pilot


One of our hosts got a nice message from one of their teams.

A team that fancied themselves as being good at history got 1 out of 5 when we asked them to put a series of events in order. (Which is why you should never say what you’re good at.)

A passer by who wasn’t playing heard a question on English cities and yelled out “AMSTERDAM”. Luckily, nobody listened to him.

One team saw a picture of Prince Andrew as a young helicopter pilot in the Falklands War, and guessed that it was Harry Potter.

And one team wrote out all the lyrics to Advance Australia Fair to try to get a question right… and then didn’t.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Lots of Jackpots went off.

Cairns suburbs, London districts, and Canadian cities combined to equal cash.

Knowing the name (and the spelling) of the President of Belarus won them a jackpot.


There were a lot of updated place names.


The Fairly Undemocratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of Western Australia


Okay Britain





Summer Bill


The Dead Barrier Reef



Trivia and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobacco

Islamabad is now Hinduagood

USPlay dead

Help Me Rwanda





Specific Ocean


The Sewers Canal

Viagra Falls


Paw Paw New Guinea

Mama New Guinea

Mount Healamanjaro




Sticky Unicorn

Edgy Party Blower

Holy Cheesemaker

Fallacious Unicorn Anime

Fruity Hippopotamus

Not So Grand Designs

Succulent Corset

Blue Guitar

Exhausted Pebble

Slippery Slimy Pirate

Insubordinate Maple


Two players both made it all the way to the end of a lightning round.

Beginning with the letter B, what do you get when you come 3rd in the Olympics? You get banned according to one player in a lightning round.

We asked for the actor who played the albino in the Da Vinci Code, and someone said it was Scott Morrison, the whitest guy in the universe.

We gave a hint that a place we were looking for was in Africa… and someone said New Zealand.

And the gambler’s question reversed a huge first half lead and several bonus points, dropping the leaders to 3rd. And sure enough the runners up could have won, but forgot to indicate how much they were gambling. Yes… the gambler’s question did what it’s designed to do.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 July 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You came up with a lot of LGBT films & TV series.

The Bicurious Case of Benjamin Button

The Man on Mandy Griffith Show

How to train your Drag Queen

The Fist and the Furious

The Fast and the Bicurious

Peggy & Sue Got Married (to each other)

Gay’s Anatomy

Spongebob Rainbow Unicorn Pants

Top Bum

The Twomen Show

Bernie and Clyde

Sorest Rump

Hard Queers

Citizen Gayne

Lord of the Cock Rings

The Bi-ble

Not Straight Outta Compton

Everybody Loves Gaymond

When Harriet Met Sally

Reach Around the World in 80 Days

Queer’s Gambit

Good Willy Hunting

The Good, the Bad, and the Flamboyant

Mommie Queerest


CSI Kings Cross

Guy Hard

How I Met Your Other Mother

The Gay Team

The Hunger Gay-mes

Romeo and Julian

The Daddy Trap

Pretty in Twink

Homo Alone

Lesbianne of Green Gables


Lez Miserables

Lock, Cock, and Two Smoking Darryls


Firey Beer

Capricious Beaver

Jumping Cow

Fluffy German Netflix

Plump Snorkel

Sneaky Waterfall

Grumpy Decision

Exquisite Kidney

Self Caring Hippos

Delightful Veggies


Scientists found bacteria large enough to be seen by the naked eye in a Caribbean swamp. But one team guessed that they found Keira Knightley’s dignity.

We asked how far Barry Bonds ran circling the bases on his record 762 home runs. One team guessed 140,000km… which is over 3 times around the world at the equator, or nearly 200km per home run.

And we had a bunch of end of financial year corporate shows, including one involving players both in person and on Zoom.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 25 June 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These Star Wars nerds turned a question on Chewbacca into cash.

Winning with a lucky guess about vodka still counts as a win.


You don’t have to change things much to ruin them.

Kentucky Boiled Chicken

Whitney Houston we have a problem

Alexander the Mediocre

Mothra Teresa

Marlin never finds Nemo and just goes home

Liceberg Lettuce

Garlic Bread and Butter Pudding

John McClane leaves his shoes on

Rice Noodle Bolognese

Adding bike lanes to the city

Pillow Fight Club

Spongebill Squarepants

John Wick got fuel the next day

The Red Hot Chili Lepers

Sydney Opera Louse

Straight George Michael

Iced finger bum

James and the Giant Eggplant

Thomas the Replacement Bus Service


Delicious Elephant

Flat Mummy

Distracting Sport

Spicy Donald Trump

Jealous Ice Cream

Folded Elephant

Militant Rats


We tweaked a picture question of ex-military members who have moved on to new occupations to include one of our hosts. But nobody noticed that the sharp dressed Marine was the guy hosting the quiz they were at.

We asked a question to which the answer was Jonathan Thurston, and gave the hint that he was the same height as our host. Because why not be as unhelpful as possible?

On a question about the biggest countries in the EU, we reminded everyone that England wasn’t in the EU. And three teams still said England.

The last place subject was Colin Firth at one show, and one team watched Bridget Jones’ Diary in preparation that day, right before we asked a question on the scene that introduced Mark Darcy.

And a bonus question on the proportion of Australians approved of torture ended when the first team to guess got it exactly right. How someone became such an expert on torture, we didn’t want to know.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 18 June 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


What’s legal but makes you look like a psychopath?

Knowing the age of consent in every country

Walking around the mall with a glass of milk

Stopping in the merge lane

Eating a banana sideways

Swinging on a swing at night

Sitting next to me on an empty train

Sock, shoe, sock, shoe

Kissing your parents on the lips

Changing your name to Hitler

Marrying your first cousin

Socks in the shower

High fiving the family at a funeral

Adults who love Minions

Being my autistic self in public

Owning a white van

Carpeting the bathroom

Pouring in milk before cereal

Putting Ketchup on Pizza

Carrying a shovel to the cemetery


Loose Scrotum

Bitter Car

Feral Berlin

Horny Jupiter

Effervescent Peru

Mischevious Ducks on Bicycles

Dysfunctional Putin


When we were asking a question about what a set of people had in common, someone guessed “they’re all white”, just as we rattled off the name of Nelson Mandela.

In addition to the marmalade sandwich the Queen supposedly keeps in her handbag, one team guessed that she also keeps bolt cutters for cutting brake lines.

After their teammate got a particularly obscure question, one player said their performance was both impressive and sad. Hey, impressive and sad is about 90% of our business!

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 11 June 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was either a lucky guess or expertise on iron ore exports that won them a jackpot. Either way, they walked out with $184.


Here’s how not to enter a boxing match.


Big Girls Don’t Cry

Close to You by The Carpenters

Goodbye My Lover

Take My Breath Away

Touch Me (I Want Your Body)

Baby Got Back

Careless Whisper

Send in the Clowns

You’ve got a friend in me

Killing Me Softly

All Too Well (the 10 minute version)

I’m a Little Teapot

Silent Night

Dancing Queen


Spicy Teacher

Massive Glass Captain

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Bouncy Duck

Window Bears


Guesses on how far the swaggie trudged to the Pub with No Beer in the Slim Dusty song ranged from 50 yards (which is not remotely remarkable), to 6,000 miles (which is the distance from Sydney to Perth and back… and then to Perth again.)

When did Visa first sponsor the Olympics? How about the Athens Olympics of 56 BC?

When we asked about the top billed actors in the live action Beauty and the Beast, one team answered with “that guy who was in Downton Abbey”. Sure enough, Dan Stevens was both Beast & Matthew Crawley. So they got a point.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 June 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Films & TV series you can eat or drink

The Shaw-lamb-shank redemption

The Soupranos

Casino Royale with Cheese

The King’s Peach

Stranger Wings

Terminator 2: Fudgement Day

Breaking Bread

Curb Your En-sushi-asm

Great Lasagna Escape

Throw Marmalade from the Train

Moby Spotted Dick

Clams Casino

Choc Top Gun

Steaks of Glory

Orange Pulp Fiction

Four Wings and a Fennel

Pan Fried Labyrinth

The Broth of Khan

Soy Story

My Big Fat Greek Salad

There will be blood sausage

Catch Me If You Canned Soup

How to Drain Your Flagon

The Rocky Road Picture Show

Bangers and M*A*S*H

Pappadum and Pappadummer

Priscilla Queen of the Dessert

The Figitive

Waffle Iron Man

Vegemitey Joe Young

A Few Good Gingerbread Men


Unelectable Biscuit

Rusty Words

Gone With the Wind Goulburn

Anxious Prawn

Alluring Quokka

Victorious Johnny Depp

Malicious Penguin

Lovecraftian Clown


We have often noted the awkwardness of people cheering when they hear the name Hitler as an answer, because even though they’re only cheering that they got a question right, it still feels wrong to be cheering. So we were pleased to hear one audience boo Hitler instead.

A player turned up on crutches with back & neck pain, because he didn’t want to miss the show.

Our leaked current events question didn’t get through to one team, who guessed that instead of having his finger bitten off by a lion, a Jamaican zookeeper burned down the zoo while smoking a joint. Another thought he failed to qualify for the Jamaican bobsled team.

And one of our venues was named pub of the year. PIC. Is it any wonder when you have Australia’s most interesting trivia on your side?

See you next week.