All posts by iqtrivia

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 4 February 2024

One of the teams in Indian Premier League cricket is the Mumbai Indians.

Which is a pretty straightforward & accurate team name.

For your team name this week, we want you to come up with another hyper-accurate sports team name.

Sydney Snobs

Newtown Hipsters

Canberra Roundabouts

New York Filth

Woollahra Wankers

Aberdeen Alcoholics

Any super-accurate team names will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 3 February 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Weird insults are more fun than weird compliments.

If you were a spice you’d be flour

You look like you listen to Joe Rogan & Andrew Tate

I hope your wife brings a date to your funeral

You have a face like a half sucked mango

You make me look intelligent

You speak French like a Spanish cow

You’re baby’s so cute, he doesn’t look a thing like you

As interesting as a butter knife

Are you sure your nose goes with that face

You’re why the gene pool needs a lifeguard

You should use glue instead of chapstick

You’re the reason we know God has a sense of humour

You’ve got less brains than JFK


Hobbiton Gorilla

Hilarious Table

Morose Salad

Blacksmith Pepper Pixel


Stretchy Brazil

Bogus Geometry


We asked about Australian Prime Ministers and got answers of Steve Irwin & The Stingray.

The number of days since Jimmy Carter was President was estimated within less than 100 out of nearly 16,000.

On the other hand, one team thought there were 205 goals kicked in the 2023 AFL Grand Final. That’s a LOT of goals.

Perhaps the most creative answer we’ve gotten in the categories bonus round for things in the sky beginning with the letter S… Snakes on a Plane.

And here’s where we stand in the quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Total
Ted’s Team 3 230.5
The Smith Family 3 225
Cuck 3 224
4 Go Crazy 3 213
Menace to Sobriety 3 210
Team OG 2 148
The Good Dragons 2 146
forrestj7 2 141
Tribe 2 140.5
Leader Hosen 2 137
WHA 2 110

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 28 January 2024

After a week of unusual compliments, this week your team names will be unusual insults.

You look like the healthiest patient in a cancer ward

I’ve seen people have seizures with more grace than you dance

You have all the charisma of roast beef

An overboiled piece of celery is sharper than you

I don’t weat my seatbelt when driving here because there’s a higher chance I might die on the way

Make your team name any bizarre insult for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 January 2023

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Whether they actually knew how badly the Rabbitohs did over about 40 years, they won a jackpot for getting the number of wooden spoons right.


You’ve gotten some weird compliments.

Your lips are nice, like Kylie Jenner before filler

You have surprisingly musical nostrils

Your cervix is the perfect size

Those are some wonderfully wide nostrils

You have cute ears

You have really cute kneecaps

I like your hair. It reminds me of Big Ben.

You have cute freckles on the surface of your face

You have the perfect length of teeth

You look like Owen Wilson

Are you Ben Elton?

Hey, you look like Nicolas Cage

My grandmother things you have great feet


Queensland Margarita

Thirsty Cup

Duplicitous Bagpipes

Kerfuffleish Osama Bin Laden

Scomo’s New Job

Silent Brew


When we asked about the number of holes in men’s belts, one player had his belt off within 3 seconds. He was suspiciously quick at getting his gear off.

When we asked teams to name five Australian cities, we had to explain that we didn’t want you to name one city five times.

A ballet beginning with G? How About Grease? And SB? Maybe Soulja Boy.

The Mario Puzo novel set in New York with the initials TG? The Grinch. And surely A Tree Grows In Brooklyn is a less compelling title than All Them Girls Is Bangin’.

And Cuck is still leading our quarterly tournament with 3 wins in 3 weeks.

Team Wins Total
Cuck 3 224.5
Ted’s Team 2 152
The Smith Family 2 152
Team OG 2 148
Tribe 2 140.5
Leader Hosen 2 137
4 Go Crazy 2 135
Menace to Sobriety 2 134
WHA 2 110
TracyMorton 1 81
Thor’s Thundercats 1 78
Adam’s Team 1 77
China Shipping 1 77

See you next week.