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Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 2 March 2025

This week we’re dealing with addictions.

Specifically, we want to know about your strangest addictions.

Shopping for houses I will never be able to afford

The smell of fresh laundry

Setting the volume on the TV at a square number

Collecting coasters from every pub I go to

Pimple popping videos on YouTube

Any strange addictions will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 1 March 2025

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.



They yelled out the answer loud enough for the whole room to hear, but fortunately for them, they were sufficiently incoherent that nobody understood them and they were the only ones to be right.

A small jackpot win is still a jackpot win.


What is a deepfake too outlandish to believe?

Donald Trump resigns

Swifties embrace Trump

Taylor hate the Chiefs

Canada annexes the US

Elon Musk unmasked as a human

Peter Dutton sings I will survive

Dutton grows a pony tail

RFK eats McDonalds

Drake has excellent throwing technique

The quiz host is actually knowledgeable

Parramatta breaks 39 year drought

Garfield loves Mondays

Attenborough: I’m switching to reality TV

Scomo fights bushfires

Scomo admits he sh@t himself at Engadine Maccas

Marty Sheargold becomes Minister for Women’s Sport

Harry & Megan: We hate privacy

Leonardo DiCaprio dates someone his own age

Ernie says me and Bert are over

Putin sings Lady Gaga hits at Mardi Gras

Clive Palmer goes on a low cal diet


Magpie Sombrero

Risque Walrus

Punk Hedgehog Shark

Australians in Vegas

Jaguar Ravioli

Squishy Bismillah

Dragon Pilates

Laundry Mouse


In what year ending in 29 was Jesus baptised? How about 29BC? You know, before he was born.

The last word in Georgie Porgie is… acid. Because nursery rhymes are getting way more drug oriented.

What is one of the varieties of camel starting with B? Bumpy. Well, you’re not wrong.

And our leaders are keeping pace at the top of the table, but we have a new leader for highest average after Fish and Friends managed their way into the top 12 with a huge 80 point win.

Team Wins Score Average
Masterminds 8 595 74.38
6 Go Crazy 7 547 78.14
Diversity Council 6 442 73.67
Al’s Team 5 382 76.40
Smith Family 5 374 74.80
Leader Housen 5 337 67.40
Midwives and Friends 4 294 73.50
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 3 231 77.00
Timothy Soup 3 228 76.00
Thor’s Thundercats 3 225 75.00
Ted’s Team 3 210 70.00
Fish and Friends 2 158 79.00
Bandits 2 152 76.00
Whale Emoji 2 152 76.00
Horst’s Hermits 2 136 68.00
Leon and Val 2 136 68.00
Smash Bros 2 134 67.00
Flat Girthers 2 129 64.50
Senator Roney 1 84 84.00
Mark Cuckerberg 1 79 79.00
The Nag’s Head 1 78 78.00
The Day After The Day After Tomorrow 1 77 77.00
Joe Allergic to Protest the Hero 1 76 76.00
Met-C 1 74 74.00
Flash Red Ponies 1 73 73.00
Mara’s Angels 1 73 73.00
Spongebob 1 73 73.00
The Lucky Baby 1 73 73.00
Tournament Name 1 73 73.00
Foxalotl 1 72 72.00
Julius Caesar 1 72 72.00

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 23 February 2025

The concept of the deepfake has recently emerged.

That’s fake videos that look real.

For your team name this week, we want you to propose a deepfake that is so unlikely, nobody would believe it.

Kim Jong-un: I’ve got a really dumb haircut

Taylor Swift: Cats are overrated

Elon: I’m really not as smart as people think

Jennifer Aniston: I really regret accepting that role on Friends

Kanye: I’ve converted to Judaism

Come up with a deepfake so implausible that nobody would believe it for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 22 February 2025

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.



A few weeks after seriously messing up a wrong answers only bonus round, one of their players came up with a correct guess on Texan cities and they took home their first ever jackpot… and spent it all in about 20 minutes.


You renamed a lot of places.

United States of Absurdistan

Adequate Britain

Melbourne Emo Sydney

Scotland: The British Expansion Pack

Gulf of Distraction

New Zealand Australia’s 7th State

Aging Zealand

Punchbowl is now Toiletbowl

Norway but it’s called “what an Australian says when they’re in disbelief”


South Korea is the normal one

Despotic People’s Republic of Korea

Festive Season Island

Greenland is Mar-a-Igloo

Bosnia and They/Themzegovina

The Australian Ocean


Beer Party

Frog Plunge

Pre Season

Forgetful Pineapple

Sharp Tonsils

Yoga Parmagiana

Penguin Crip Walk


We quoted Sam Kerr’s statement after her acquittal, and someone thought it was Donald Trump. Ohhhhhh dear. Not even close!

When we played It’s A Wonderful Life, one player who is about 50 years younger was thrilled, noting that it’s his favourite movie and that he can’t watch it without breaking down. So much for “before my time”.

What’s the national anthem of Australia? We had guesses of Down Under by Men at Work, and You’re the Voice by John Farnham.

And we still have one team that has won every week and leads our quarterly tournament.

Team Wins Score Average
Masterminds 7 525 75.00
6 Go Crazy 6 467 77.83
Smith Family 5 374 74.80
Diversity Council 5 370 74.00
Al’s Team 4 310 77.50
Leader Housen 4 267 66.75
Richard Gere Appreciation Society 3 231 77.00
Timothy Soup 3 228 76.00
Midwives and Friends 3 223 74.33
Ted’s Team 3 210 70.00
Thor’s Thundercats 2 154 77.00
Bandits 2 152 76.00
Whale Emoji 2 152 76.00
Leon and Val 2 136 68.00
Smash Bros 2 134 67.00
Flat Girthers 2 129 64.50
Senator Roney 1 84 84.00
Mark Cuckerberg 1 79 79.00
Fish and Friends 1 78 78.00
The Nag’s Head 1 78 78.00
The Day After The Day After Tomorrow 1 77 77.00
Joe Allergic to Protest the Hero 1 76 76.00
Flash Red Ponies 1 73 73.00
Mara’s Angels 1 73 73.00
Spongebob 1 73 73.00
The Lucky Baby 1 73 73.00
Tournament Name 1 73 73.00
Foxalotl 1 72 72.00
Julius Caesar 1 72 72.00
Forward to the past 1 71 71.00
Jeremy’s Iron 1 71 71.00
NBA 1 71 71.00
Bagpuss 1 70 70.00
New Years Trivolution 1 70 70.00
Rani 6pm 1 70 70.00

See you next week.