Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 11 June 2023

We came across the “I have a joke” meme recently.

And we enjoyed it enough that we decided to make it the theme for this week’s team names.

I have a joke about shoelaces but there are strings attached

I had a joke about unemployment but it didn’t work

I have a poison joke and it kills

I have a sodium joke but Na

I have a nepotism joke but I’ll only tell it to my kids

I have a minimalist joke…

Any “I have a joke” jokes will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 4 June 2023

Baby Boomers have been getting a lot of flack lately.

But this week we want you to be on their side.

For your team name, tell us a boomer opinion you agree with.

Not every moment of your life needs to be on Instagram

Give me an old school book rather than an e-reader any day

I shouldn’t need to download an app to use a product

QR codes are a pain and I hate them

TikTok is murdering people’s attention spans

If you were born after 1965, tell us something you agree with your parents or grandparents about.

If you’re a boomer yourself, just tell us what you think.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 21 May 2023

Last week we wondered how the world would be different if all the women in the world disappeared for a year.

This week we’re flipping that around, and imagining how the world wold be different if all men disappeared for a year.

Millions of jars remain unopened.

The Taliban stops being a problem.

No more dad jokes.

Aggression drops. Passive aggression rises.

Spiders become the dominant species on the planet.

Any speculations about a world without men for a year will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 14 May 2023

We’re going to engage in some speculation this week.

Imagine that all the women in the world have disappeared, but they will be back in one year.

How will the world be different?

Every hospital would shut down

Mansplainers would have no idea what to do with themselves

Incels would find something else to complain about

The price of pillows would drop dramatically

Honestly, a lot of guys wouldn’t even notice

Any speculations about a world without women for a year will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 7 May 2023

This week your team names are going to be compliments.

But we don’t want you to be too nice, so we want them to be dubious compliments.

I love how you’ll just wear anything.

You look great for your age.

I won the most improved award four years in a row.

Someone told me I speak English so well. It’s my native language.

You look great. I barely recognise you.

Any compliments that aren’t as complimentary as they first seem will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 23 April 2023

Imagine you’ve gone back in time to the era of King Arthur, and you’re a knight.

There’s Sir Lancelot the Brave, Sir Galahad the Pure, Sir Hector the Bold, and you. We want to know your knight nickname.

Lady Jessica the Passive Aggressive

Sir Matthew the Gullible

Sir Thomas the Patronising

Lady Olivia the Stubborn

Sir Luke the Tactless

Lady Alyssa the Cheap Drunk

Any knight nicknames will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.