Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 30 June 2024

Some of you may have been in Scouts or Girl Guides, and you may remember getting badges for things you did.

Now that you’re older, we want you to use your team name to come up with Scout badges that you think you deserve now.

Cancelling Plans

Root Canal

Only had one glass of wine

Went to bed before 10pm

Assembled IKEA furniture without swearing

Filed your tax return on time

Any grown up Scout badges will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 16 June 2024

This week we want you to think of some of your favourite characters from years ago, and imagine them grown up. Like maybe the Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Lisa Simpson dropped out of graduate school and plays saxophone at open mic nights

Eric Cartman was elected to Congress and is being considered as Donald Trump’s running mate

Lilo was taken away by social services and raised in foster care

Charlie Bucket took over the chocolate factory, which had to close after litigation from the families of the other children

Dorothy had PTSD after visiting Oz and wound up an alcoholic

Pepe Le Pew was jailed for sexual assault

Any grown up versions of children’s characters will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 9 June 2024

This week we’re having fun with film titles.

Everyone makes mistakes now and then, and this week with your team name we want you to mistake one film for another.

Black Pink Panther

James Bond and the Temple of Doom

Saving Good Will Hunting

How To Lose 10 Things I Hate About A Guy

Lord of the Rings: Return of the Jedi

Any mixed up movies will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 2 June 2024

Last week we borrowed from the “looking for a man in finance” TikTok trend to come up with unrealistically strict dating standards for your team names.

This week we’re going the other way.

Instead of overly strict standards, we want you to come up with unbelievably loose standards.

Constantly nagging, dandruff, unemployable

Refuses to apologise in any circumstances, neck beard, starts every other sentence with “well actually”.

Only talks about themselves, pathologically jealous, no teeth

Hung up on their ex, a dozen cats, criminal record

Give us a list of low dating standards for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 26 May 2024

You may have come across a clip of a TikTok user listing the qualities she wants in a man.

Some people have commented that her standards are unreasonably strict. Some math boffins worked out that there were just two men in the entire United States who fit the bill.

This week we want you to come up with your own ridiculously strict criteria.

Name begins with T, anaesthesiologist, extensive wine cellar

20 million instagram followers, can name the entire starting lineup of my footy team, thigh gap

6’3’’, owns an entire suburb, never complains about anything

Between 27 & 27 ½, has appeared on the cover of Vogue at least three times, Pisces

Give us the most over the top, unrealistic standards you can think of for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 19 May 2024

A guy went a bit viral recently because he claims to have invented “bottle night”.

Yes, he thinks he invented the idea of hanging out and talking over a bottle of wine.

This week with your team name, we want you to tell us what you “invented”.

I got some chilli and chicken and noodles and invented Thai food.

We take turns driving. I call it “car pooling”.

So I make my voice go up and down using words and rhythm. It’s called “singing”.

You need a ball which you kick around with your foot. It’s a new sport I invented called “football”.

Any dubious claim you have to inventing something will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 12 May 2024

You may have heard about the Man Vs Bear debate, where women were asked whether they would rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear.

It seems a lot of women would prefer the bear.

And it got us thinking, what else would be worse than finding yourself alone with a bear.






Any group or person who would make you choose the bear will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 5 May 2024

Recently we asked a question about ridiculous products sold on Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle website goop.com.

We were going to make up some additional ridiculous products to throw into the mix as red herrings, but we couldn’t come up with anything sillier than what Gwyneth is already selling.

So maybe you can do better.

If your team name is a ridiculous product that might be sold to people with more money than sense, you will get a bonus point.

A smartphone case held by a Buddhist monk as he achieved enlightenment

Solid gold corn cob holders

Diamond encrusted toothbrushes

A coffin Gwyneth Paltrow herself slept in

Any unnecessarily extravagant products will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 28 April 2024

There’s an art to writing trivia questions.

This week you’re going to use your team name to have a go at it, but we only want terrible trivia questions.


What is the best colour?

How many of my cousins have a beard?

Who is the worst looking person to have walked on the moon?

What the hell are you looking at?

Any terrible trivia questions will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.