Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 24 April 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Whether it’s through knowledge or luck, winning a jackpot means cash.


This week it was celebrities and food.

Celine Dijon

Katy Peri Peri

Demi Gelato

Bread Pitt

Brad Pitta

Egg Sheeran

Leonardo Di Calippo

Cardamom B

Keith Bourbon

George Bernard Shawarma

Ludwig van Beefhoven

Kurt Cokebain

Bill Rye the Bread Guy

Mark Wahlburger

John Baloney

Pineapple Cruz

Rice With a Spoon

Chris Pringle

Wayne Roofie (we find it distressing that you consider roofies to be either food or drink)

Gwyneth Pavlova

Cybill Shepherd’s Pie

Haggiston Ford

Kevin Bacon & Eggs

Robert DeBeero

Tom Yum Cruise

Andy Hamberg

Israel Falafel

Andrew Lamington

Peter Dutton

Margartia Thatcher

Benedict Cucumberbatch

Smoked Salmon Rushdie

Danny Dorito

Kimchi Kardashian


Hairy Skeleton

Girthy Tree Frog

Flashing Astrolabe

Swollen Mirror

Danny Dorito

Drunk Train

Screaming Chair

Gloomy Grey’s Anatomy

Occult Taco


Someone asked us how much a 1kg lump of coal weighs.

We asked a question about French names and their equivalents in English… and when asked for hints, gave very obvious hints in French, and more cryptic hints in English. It pays to know another language people!

And two regular teams who were both shorthanded joined together. Alone, neither of them would have won. But together they filled in the gaps in each other’s knowledge and took out first place.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 17 April 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Once in a while knowing how long a year on Mercury is turns into cash.

Same goes for knowing Panamanian history.


You were pretty sharp on coming up with celebrity/animal combinations.

Justin Beaver


Whoopie Goldfish

Jessica Albatross

Schapelle Corgi

Cocker Spaniel Ratcliffe

William Snakespeare

Sloth Morrison

Tony Rabbit

Barack Ollama

Kendrick Llama

Llama Del Rey

Cardi Bees

MC Hammerhead

Alpaca Pacino

Rhino Reynolds

Lion Ritchie

Jim Canary


Robert Cowney Jr.

Goosey Liu

Steven Seagull

Pony Colette

Notorious P.I.G.

Heneduck Secucumberbat

Pangolina Jolie

Charlie Sheep

Hare Grylls

Goanna Lumley

Goose Springsteen

Mussel Crowe

Prince Pharlap

Meghan Mackrel

Ricky Gerbilface

Jean Claude van Ram

Moose McConaughey

Hugh Jackalman

Leonartoad DiCaprio

Leopardo DiCaprio

Roo Paul

Axlotl Rose


Anemic Snake

Swollen Sign (or was it Swollen Sin)

Juicy Gemstones

Depressed Moose

Candid Fern

Sandra Bulldog

Skimpy Ginger

Slippery Umbrella

Slippery Madrid

Mellow Propeller Guy from Titanic


Instead of just answering “mitosis”, one team gave a detailed explanation of the various phases of the splitting of cells.

A new team nearly talked themselves out of a correct answer on a bonus question. They did their level best to drop the ball, and just managed to win in spite of themselves.

Another team yelled out the answer from across the room, rather than writing it down. And a few seconds later, another team wrote down their answer and took the bonus.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – Week of 10 April 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was a big week for making it rain jackpot cash.


What places perfectly represent one of the seven deadly sins?

Scomo’s Office – All of them

Darwin After Dark – All of them

Gilligan’s Island – All of them

King’s Landing – Take your pick

Pluto – Envy

Crown Casino – Greed

Amsterdam – Lust

You mum’s house – Lust

Rooty Hill – Lust

Athens – Sloth

Texas – Wrath

Texas – Pride

USA – Pride

Queanbeyan – Envy

The Vatican – Lust

Newcastle – Sloth

Adelaide – Sloth

Hobart – Sloth

Canberra – Sloth

Suez Canal – Sloth


Fluffy Eggplant

Purple Dog

Effervescent Antelope

Feral Cocktail (said in a Scottish accent)


Hairy Apple Juice

Moist Pizza

Confused Flowers

Cooking Rabbits

Therapy Robin


We asked about the internal angles of a pentagon, and one player remembered learning how to figure that out in school, and also complaining that they would never need to know that in the real world. Well you could have won at trivia with that information!

We asked about countries by area that aren’t spelled with the letter A. Someone asked what about Greenland or Denmark. Really? Are you sure you want to pursue that?

Following a question about the Julia Roberts film Pretty Woman, we overheard one player say she studied that film in high school. What? Is this common in Austalia?

In a jackpot, one team briefly tried to argue that Guns N Roses was an anagram of Rad Dungeons if you spelled it with the word “and”. And then they noticed that Guns AND Roses has too many Ss, and also too many letters, and also isn’t the name of the band.

Someone guessed that you have a prostate in your throat. Note: If you do have a prostate in your throat, please seek medical attention.

And you are always welcome to have your birthday at trivia. Especially when you bring Gin & Tonic cupcakes.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 3 April 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


At some venues we keep giving away jackpots every week.


Whether you were drawing from things you had said or things other people had said to you, you came up with a lot of horrible things to say on a first date.

We can’t go to that cafe, it’s within 500m of a school

You looked much skinnier through the telescope

I think we should call our first son Adolf

I believe we’re related

And she will have a salad

You look fertile

What’s your name again

My favourite film is Fight Club

Hi I’m Armie Hammer


That’s not what your mum said

Hi sis

I’m Cory Bernardi

What time is your wife getting home

I’ve got crabs

You look like you’re from the IT Crowd

If I stand down from my position as Attorney-General because of an allegation about something that simply did not happen, then any person in Australia can lose their career, their job, their life’s work, based on nothing more than accusation that appears in print.


Jumbo Cow

Wet Frog

Cartoonish Subpoena

Seething Ocean

Hairy France

Cuddly Fire


We had a team decide not to enter the jackpot round. And then wish they had because they knew the answer when nobody else did. THIS is why you should always bring cash to trivia.

Someone not playing trivia lost a substantial bet with a friend who recognised Mmmm Bop by Hansen being played in a 50s doo wop style.

And a couple of teams managed to get 5 points for guessing Zimbabwe on the first clue.  Usually it won’t work going that early, but if you need the points, there’s still a chance.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 March 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was a good week for spme of you for jackpots.


You proposed a lot of Oscar Bait.

Daniel Day-Lewis+Disability+Disease+Depression+Drugs+Death

Daniel Day-Lewis plays and ISIS bride coming to terms with her cancer diagnosis

Economically disadvantaged minority sports team

3 hours epic box office flop with gratuitous butt scene

Guy with no arms joins NBA, wins championship

Not starring Leo

A-list comedian does drama

The Shape of Green Parasites

Biopic about an African couple adopting one of Brangelina’s childrem

Famous English actor in wartime biopic

Lesbian Holocaust love story

Redemption boxing montage

Denzel loses a foot to diabetes and has to move in with his son

Quentin Tarantino directs toxic masculinity

Meryl Streep as Batman

Anything starring Tom Hanks

One continuous shot of Tom Hanks running a marathon for blind orphans, narrate by Morgan Freeman


Joyous Hat

Gruesome Handbag

Engorged Possum

Jumping Pie

Confused Tokyo


Handsome Possum

Superfluous Potato

Slithery Cocktail


Zapp Branigan from Futurama was described as “that captain who doesn’t wear pants and has a thicc ass” which is actually a pretty apt description.

One team got penalised for cheating. And who was most annoyed at the guy who googled Hiroshima? His teammates.

One team wrote down the two options, and joked about how they would probably forget to cross one out… and then they actually forgot to cross one out.

We put on a show for some experts on Asia, and it took them an inordinate amount of time to identify Afghanistan as the answer to a bonus question. On the other hand one of their teams got a bonus point for writing an answer to a question on the Islamic calendar in Arabic.

Two teams were faced with five straight 50/50 options, and both picked the wrong one all five times. That’s a 1 in 32 of doing it once. Doing it twice? We will let the statisticians among you determine the odds.

And more than one team ruined a perfect round in the minefield bonus round by getting four right, and then losing all of those points by getting one single question wrong.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 20 March 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They were the smallest team, they won on a per capita basis for a moral victory, and then won the jackpot for an ACTUAL victory.

Second place and a jackpot. That’s a pretty good haul.


St Patrick seems to have gotten a new career in the entertainment industry.

St Patricks on a Plane

Zack and St Patrick Make a Porno

Debbie Does St Patrick

St Patrick does Dallas

WASP (Wet Ass St Patrick)

The Hobbit: The Desolation of St Patrick

Harry Potter and the Goblet of St Patrick

Cobra St Patrick

St Patrick got Fingered

St Patrick Panther

St Patrick’s Angels

Tomorrow when St Patrick’s Day Began

The Fast and the Furious 3: St Patrick’s Drift

St Patrick: The First Avenger

St Patrick and the Bandit

St Patrick Squarepants

When Harry met St Patrick

Free St Patrick’s Willy

Hit Me St Patrick One More Time

Driving St Patrick

St Patrick & Morty


Supple Member

Ribbed Pizza

Delightful Rice

Icky Wellington

Hectic Harp


Saintly Shamrock


A number of teams gave the title of Bruno Mars 2010 song as Millionaire instead of Billionare. Yeah, being off by a factor of 1,000 is kind of big. And if Bruno was going to sing about wanting to be a millionaire, that would be a pretty short song.

More than one team guessed that Bono or Ben Stiller were slated for the main role in The Shawshank Redemption. Either would have made for a very different film.

See you next week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 14 March 2021

It’s St Patrick’s Day this week.

And in honour of that, we want you to find some way to insert St Patrick into the title of a film, TV series, or song.

Saving Saint Patrick

When the Saint Patricks Go Marching In

How I Met Saint Patrick

Where the Saint Patricks Have No Name

Star Wars: Return of Saint Patrick

If you can find a way to get Saint Patrick into your team name you’ll get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 13 March 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Last time they had their dog pull the “balance the jackpot winnings on your nose” trick. This time they had to settle for the human version.

When you win a jackpot as a team of one, you don’t have to share it with anyone.


The opposite of songs. Here is what you came up with.

I can easily achieve satisfaction

Column, column, column your boat

Don’t Happy, Be Worry

She hates you no, no no

All you need is hate

Adelaide (Funkytown)

Sour nightmares

Boring Wall

I come from a land up over

Dry ass phallus

Extremely dry penis

Wet Ass Puppy

Johnny B. Sh!t

When a woman hates a man

Boring nothing (Wild thing)

Conservative Rhapsody

Satan kill the King

Do you want to build a hot tub

Saturday sunny Saturday

Don’t start believing

Pronoid Android

Tastes like old despair

Smells like Boomer Energy

Finding your atheism

When I’m 46

I’ve finally found what I’m looking for

Partial illumination of the colon

Quietly serenade the Casbah


Boring Walrus

Moist Pineapple

Sexy Bruce Springsteen

Furry Glowstick

Leafy Beer

Purple Queen


A dilemma question asked if you would accept a lump sum of cash in exchange for having a heavy bogan accent for the rest of your life. The audience asked us to do a bogan accent so they could get the idea, but, out of respect to Australia’s bogan community, yeahhhh nah.

In the first show at one of our new venues, the sound system died. Luckily, our host came prepared with a big enough voice to fill the room.

At a new venue where the trivia space was only accessible via stairs, we had three players turn up with crutches. That is dedication to trivia!

Occasionally teams will say wrong answers loudly enough for others to hear. This week when we asked a Simpsons question, someone loudly declared it to be Futurama. And a couple of teams fell for the subterfuge.

And a tie for first was decided in favour of the team that answered Terry Crews instead of Terry Cruise.

Terry Crews Terry Cruise | Terry Crews Meme on ME.ME

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 6 March 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


A new team won both first place and a $93 jackpot, most of which was spent at the bar within the next 15 minutes.


Here’s how you advanced some famous films, TV series, and songs.

Cretaceous Park

Found Nemo

Smells like mid life crisis

The 7th Sense

Gone in 60 minutes

Living on 2 Prayers

January 1964 (Oh what a night)

The Day After Two Days From Now

You only live thrice

From Dusk to Dusk

13 Angry Men

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Cinders


Apocalypse Later

Spongebob Pentagonpants

The Fresh King of Bel-Air

Mad Max: Acceptance Road

I don’t like Tuesdays

Bruce Summersteen

Meal replacement shakes at Tiffany’s

Brunch at Tiffany’s


Light Brain

Naughty Cheese

Spicy Plunger

Turgid Kmart

Dutch Melbourne

Impecunious Dragon

Pickled Cheat


As we often do, we asked a question about what several people have in common, and said that if your answer wasn’t our answer it had better be both correct and interesting. Naturally, one team answered with the exact words “both correct and interesting”. Ok, you found a loophole. Nobody gets that loophole anymore.

A jackpot question was asking for the name of an Italian author, and four separate teams took a shot at Giuseppe Verdi, Giuseppe Rossi, Giuseppe Ravioli, and Giuseppe Linguini. We’re pretty sure they were just going for the most stereotypically Italian names they could think of.

When we played a song by Big Audio Dynamite, one team responded that the singer used to be in The Clash. We looked it up, and sure enough, Mick Jones sang both for Big Audio Dynamite and The Clash. So saying “that band that had the same lead singer as The Clash” is not technically wrong and got a point. (Though the team that got the point still came last.)

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 27 February 2021

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


We can’t seem to build up a jackpot when teams win three weeks in a row.

Maybe we need tougher questions.


We don’t suggest you try to start these businesses.

A pub with no trivia

Reusable toilet paper

A live action movie of the musical Cats

A brothel based in a quarantine hotel

Uber on a tandem bike

Detachable pockets

Glass hammers

Indoor BBQs

No strings bungee jumping


Trump University

A credit card you never have to pay for

Do it yourself surgery

Flavoured hand sanitiser

Botox for babies

Waterproof teabags

Vegan steakhouse

Greasy wet wipes

Sexual harassment seminars in Parliament House

Anonymous COVID tracing


Hot Potato

Delicious Tree

Saucy France (NSFW)

What Killed the Dinosaurs

Greedy Brisbane

Tired Scientist

Caffeinated Spring


We asked about annoying sounds, and instead of the answer of “fingernails on a chalkboard” being similar to the sound of a chimpanzee warning call, one said it was “Bill’s voice”. (For the record, we can be WAY more annoying if we need to be.)

A question on ballets with the initials SB resulted in a guess of Spandau Ballet, which is not completely wrong, and Some Bullsh!t, which is.

A question on Dutch geography on our international quiz was seized on by a team that had players playing in the Netherlands at 4:00am. They got it right, and won by a single point. Yes, it pays to have Dutch people on your team sometimes.

See you next week.