Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 21 May 2023

Last week we wondered how the world would be different if all the women in the world disappeared for a year.

This week we’re flipping that around, and imagining how the world wold be different if all men disappeared for a year.

Millions of jars remain unopened.

The Taliban stops being a problem.

No more dad jokes.

Aggression drops. Passive aggression rises.

Spiders become the dominant species on the planet.

Any speculations about a world without men for a year will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

3 thoughts on “Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 21 May 2023

  1. I enjoy the team name themes but the ones encouraging Gender/racial stereotypes aren’t very fun in my opinion. I’d love more of the silly ones, and ones encouraging puns etc.!

    1. I wanted to wait until the whole week of team names had passed before responding to this.

      At quizzes that I personally hosted, there were a wide array of team names, all of which were pretty tame. There is the chance when we have a team name theme like this that people might take the opportunity to be horrible or to promote nasty views, but in my experience, anyone who is going to do that is going to do that regardless of what the team name theme is.

      We’re planning on continuing to run a variety of team name themes, and we will remain conscious not to plan themes that we think are likely to result in offensive team names.

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