Monthly Archives: April 2018

Interesting Question of the Day – 2 April 2018

We’re going to give you the first lines of a number of Simpsons characters.  Tell us what characters they are.

“He’s bad, but he’ll die.  So I like it.”

“You certainly have done well for yourself, Spanky.”

“Ow, my foot, you lousy stupid clumsy… hand over all your money in a paper bag.”

“‘F,’ ‘L,’ oh no I’m sorry, that’s a ‘C’ isn’t it?”

“Hey ma, look at that pointy haired little girl.”

The first new player to comment on the website with all five correct answers wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 1 April 2018

This week we want you to tell us what you do for a living.

But we want you to make it sound sinister.

I start fights in bars… Trivia host

I import my product from South America and turn it into a popular drug… Barista

I handle breasts all day… KFC employee

I spend all day with black tar… I pave streets

I shoot people… Photographer

I break into your house with an axe and drag you out before you are driven away unconscious in a van… Firefighter

I provide drugs to children… Pediatric nurse

I’m a lawyer

If your team name is your job described in the shadiest way possible, you’ll get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.