Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 26 June 2022

We’re at the end of Pride Month, so we have just enough time for this week’s team name theme.

We want you to make a movie or TV series gay.

The Lion Queen

The Big Bear Theory

Bi Hard


Pride Green Tomatoes

The Mandalesbian

Cape Queer

Ferris Bueller’s Gay Off

Remember, this is meant to be lighthearted. It’s not meant to be an excuse to throw around a bunch of lazy slurs. And if you can’t think of anything, any film of TV series with “day” in the title gives you a pretty easy option.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 12 June 2022

It’s time to get crazy.

For your team name this week, we want you to come up with something that is legal, but makes you look like a psychopath.

Not facing the door in a lift

Handing out candy the day AFTER Halloween

Laugh in a movie theatre when nobody else does

Holding eye contact for a few too many seconds

Anything that is perfectly legal but makes you look dangerously creepy will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 29 May 2022

Last week we had fun with band names made edible.

This week we’re doing the same thing, but with movie & TV titles.

The Dark Chocolate Knight

Daredevilled Eggs

Citizen Sugar Kane

Lord of the Onion Rings

Mr Refried Bean

The Silence of the Lamb Shanks

The West Chicken Wing

Full Metal Jacket Potato

Any films or TV series made edible will earn a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 22 May 2022

We’re dealing with music this week.

For your team name, we want you to take a band or musician and make them edible.

Fleetwood Macaroni & Cheese

Peanut Butter & Pearl Jam

Bread Sheeran

Death Cab for Charcuterie


KFC and the Sunshine Band

Bean Day

Motley Crouton

Wings of Leon

David Lee Broth

The Rolling Scones

Flan Halen

Lil’ Kimchi

Oreo Speedwagon

The Wu Tang Clam

Ok we got a bit carried away.

Any edible musicians or bands will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 15 May 2022

A few weeks ago, we asked a bonus question about a specific word mentioned 165 times in Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona.

One team guessed “Chewbacca”.

And we realised that a lot of films and TV series could be improved by more Chewbacca.

So for your team name this week, we want you to put Chewbacca into media that doesn’t normally contain Chewbacca.

12 Angry Chewbaccas

Sons of Chewbacca

The Taming of the Chewbacca

Queer Eye for Chewbacca

Chewbacca and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Schitt’s Chewbacca

Put Chewbacca into something that is currently lacking in Chewbacca for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 8 May 2022

Last week we asked what you would do with a spare $44 billion.

This week we’re going to be more realistic.

With your team name, we want to know what you would do with a spare $1,000.

Convert it into coins, throw it off a bridge, enjoy watching people scramble for it, feel like a big shot.

Invest it into cryptocurrency, so that next month I’ll have $300

Buy $1,000 worth of tennis balls, head off to the dog park, and make a lot of dogs happy

Either one $1,000 hooker, or 100 $10 hookers

Buy some printer ink… if I wasn’t a couple hundred short.

Buy a house 60 years ago.

Any suggestions about what to do with $1,000 will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 1 May 2022

You’ve probably heard that Elon Musk is putting up $44 billion to buy Twitter.

Which got us thinking… what would you do if you woke up with a spare $44 billion.

Buy some islands and form my own country

Move into Buckingham Palace

Finally get on the property ladder in Sydney

The entire annual economic production of Serbia, with $3 billion left over

Any suggestions for what to do with a lazy $44 billion will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 24 April 2022

We’re back to cynicism & bitterness this week.

For your team name this week, we want to know the last minor thing that made you irrationally annoyed.

When someone opens a door for you too soon, so you have to jog to get there

Half a dozen slow walking people in a row taking up the whole pavement

Taking up two armrests on a plane

People who get in their car, and wait for ages before pulling out. Dammit! I need that space!

When people start an order by saying “Can I get a…”

Not standing on the side of the escalator

Any petty grievances will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.