Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 23 January 2022

This week we’re dealing with movies.

For your team name, we want you to list two films, one you love, and one you think is overrated… but we don’t want you to say which is which.

Mean Girls and Titanic

The Godfather and Star Wars

Back to the Future and The Breakfast Club

Frozen and Moana

Any two films, one loved and one overrated, will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 16 January 2022

We’ve been dealing with COVID for a couple of years now.

And for your team names this week, we want to know what you’ve learned in that time.

An unpleasant number of people have to be convinced to wash their damn hands

I’m ok with never talking to Shirley from accounting again

Too many people think memes qualify as research

Tell us what you’ve learned from COVID for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 9 January 2022

A little while ago we asked what NBA stands for, and got an interesting wrong answer.

For your team name this week, we want you to come up with an alternative to a common acronym. 

STD = Save the Date

NRL = Not Really Literate

WAP = Worship and Prayer

NSFW = No Surfing for Whales

YOLO = You Obviously Love Oreos

PHD = Please Hire, Desperate

Any alternatives to common acronyms will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – 2 January 2022

Is the time of year that a lot of people make new year’s resolutions.

But we don’t want to hear about yours. We want you to speculate about other people’s new years resolutions.

Leonardo DiCaprio – Use my private jets to travel around lecturing people on why they should reduce their carbon footprint

Donald Trump – Devote an extra hour every day to complaining about how people are unfair to me

Practically every celebrity – Take a “brave” stand on things that everyone agrees on anyway

Any speculation on other people’s new years resolutions will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 26 December 2021

We’re almost through 2021.

And your team names are going to be 2021 themed.

Specifically, we want you to put 2021 into the title of a film or TV series.

2021 Angry Men

Inglourious 2021

2021 Bad

Full Metal 2021

A Clockwork 2021

It’s Always Sunny in 2021

Indiana Jones and the Last 2021

Any 2021 themed films or TV series will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 19 December 2021

Christmas has arrived.

And your team names are going to reflect that.

For a bonus point this week, we want you take a beloved Christmas song, and utterly ruin it by changing one letter.

Rudolf the Rad Nosed Reindeer

I saw Mummy Dissing Santa Claus

Frosty the Snob Man

A Gay in a Manger

Lust Christmas

The Little Drummer Bot

Any ruined Christmas songs will get you a bonus point.

 Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 12 December 2021

An American politician discovered a conspiracy recently.

Of course, other people pointed out other related conspiracies.

Now we want you to come up with your own ridiculous conspiracies by rearranging letters.

Britney Spears = Yep bra inserts

Nicole Kidman = I’m a kind clone

Keanu Reeves = A severe nuke

Clive Palmer = Vampire cell

The University of Oxford = Oh I vote for dirty sex fun

Kentucky Fried Chicken = Kinky Chef Erect in Duck

President Donald Trump = Mr Putin’s odd tender pal

Have a look here for more ideas, and any silly anagram conspiracies will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 5 December 2021

Last week we had team names based on terrible employers.

This week it’s employees.

If your team name details your experience with terrible employees, you will get a bonus point.

I don’t believe in showering.

What do you mean I can’t nap on the job? Being a bus driver is tiring.

I’m sick and can’t come to work. And the doctor said the only that will cure me is a trip to Bali.

Any examples of catastrophically horrible employees will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.