Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 23 April 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about Chilean geography, and being able to do math quickly wins jackpots.


It was a welcome change to have team names not steeped in bitterness and cynicism.

Untying a double knot with one pull

When you get a shrimp in your chicken pad thai

Green lights all the way home

Drawing a perfect circle

Got free pizza

Mum’s lasagna


Being unable to go to Adelaide because of border closures

Getting away with a fart

Fresh sheets

Spongebob performing at Superbowl halftime

My personal trainer remembered my name

A perfect parallel park

Getting a parking space right in front of the bar

Fitting everything in the boot like Tetris

When you wake up thinking it’s a work day but it’s the weekend

Winning iQ Trivia

Coming second in iQ Trivia


Farcical Dog

Convulsing Moss

Election Poster

Silly Snow Leopard

Dirty Cabbage

Worried Harbour

Frustrated Dolphin

Ukrainian Chewbacca


We had a venue flood and had to shout out the answers & results, but we still finished the show.

When we asked about countries of birth of Muslims in Australia, one team asked us if Australia counts as a country.

We asked a question about an American city, and saw that one team gave Mississippi as an answer, so we pointed out that it’s a state not a city. So they changed it to Louisiana… which is also a state not a city.

A team of accountants got a math question horribly wrong, and blamed it on the fact that they didn’t have a spreadsheet.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 April 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They nearly didn’t win the jackpot, but they managed to correctly spell Wollongong.

And they knew about Eric Clapton’s dubious past.


The James Bond franchise is set for super villain schemes for a while given your team names this week.

Buy Twitter and make it worse

Stealing everyone’s charging cables

Steal all the left shoes

Destroy all the methods of wiping ass

Give everyone receding hairlines

Hoard all the Ritalin

Escalators will all be single laned and only descending

Spike the water with flouride to put dentists out of work

Owning the rights to 007

Kidnap the Easter Bunny

I will raise global temperatures by 3 degrees unless you give me $1 million

Vaccinations come with extreme laxatives

Switch all chocolates for laxatives

Make all coffee decaf

Replace all choc chips with raisins

Everybody Loves Raymond on all channels all the time

Baby Shark on repeat on every speaker

Men get periods now


Wombat Throwing

Supple Wombats

Twerking America

Magic Banana

Leafy Stone Pig

Average Coral

Phat Meat Patty

Exciting Tyre

Amazing Gravy

Armadillo Chupa Chup


One team guessed that Ralph Fiennes and Edward Norton were both in this scene in The English Patient.

Which either meant they were hedging their bets, or they really recalled the scene this way.

After getting every element of one of our practical math questions right, one team forgot to actually do the math.

On a question about the most common words ending in OO, one player was wearing a t-shirt with the word “voodoo” on it, and sure enough that was an answer… that his team didn’t go for.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 April 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

May be an image of 3 people and people standing


Anagram jackpot questions are achievable, but with only 60 seconds you’ve got to crack it quick. His skill with words won him $257.


Spelling mistakes make place names funny.

The Rad Sea



Viagra Falls


Vatican Tity

Fatican City



Sandi Arabia

Shatland Islands







The United Ringdom


Spacific Ocean


Ho Land



Burkina Fatso


Beautiful Shoe

Honeyed Carafe

Chucklesome America

Rubbery Biscuit

Slimy Dragon

Sickly Will Smith

Shiny Salad

Sexy Albus Dumbledore

Trilobite Font


We don’t know how many questions this doggo got right, but we liked seeing him at our show.

A team who based their team name on the Vatican City… didn’t get a question on the Vatican City.

When answering a question on Sex and the City characters, one team managed to come up with “the bald gay guy” instead of Stanford Blatch, which was not technically wrong.

A bit of advice. If one of your teammates is from India, and tells you the answer to a question is India… IT’S INDIA.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 2 April 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


You covered up the fact that you didn’t read the book pretty well.

The Count of Monte Cristo: There is only one Monte Cristo

The Slap: The greatest night in TV history

The Art of War: Military portraits from the Napoleonic era

Animal Farm: A children’s introduction to animal husbandry

Romeo & Juliet: Love always wins

Life of Pi: A biography of a baker

Macbeth: About a Scottish fast food franchise

Jaws: A dentistry manual

Call Me By Your Name: A story about a heterosexual couple

Heart of Darkness: The Peter Dutton biography

Lord of the Rings: A Michael Jordan biography

Lord of the Rings: The Ron Jeremy story

Lord of the Rings: The best jeweller in the city

Moby Dick: A crazy vegan f*cks Natalie Portman

Moby Dick: The story of a synth DJ’s successful career in adult entertainment

Trainspotting: An instructional guide

To Kill a Mockingbird: A how to guide

A Tale of Two Cities: A travel guide for Minneapolis-St Paul

The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas: The tale of a boy dressed as Bananas in Pyjamas at a sleepover

The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas: The origin story of Bananas in Pyjamas

Catch 22: 22 people play catch

Dr No: A Vietnamese academic who got tired of correcting Ng


Spectacular Scissors

Feisty Earthquake

Hydrated Stethoscope

Spooky Wig

Fuzzy Rabbit

Voluptuous Andy Warhol

Horny Hedgehog

Gothic Rooster

Defrocked Rorschach


One team put down the two options on the dilemma question, and then forgot to choose one. And the results came down to one vote.

Common four letter words beginning with HO? How about “hoes”. That was a glimpse into the priorities of one of our teams.

Just as we asked a question on Buddy Franklin’s 1,000th AFL goal, the televisions in one of our venues replayed the moment.

Two teams talked themselves out of the same correct answer on a jackpot question.

After choosing Gondor as their special subject, one team failed to correctly answer a question on what Gondor meant. It’s your subject people!

And not quite half of the teams succeeded in naming numbers between 100 & 200 that are divisible by 7.  One bid 14 and named literally none of them, and one bid 8, and went on to name all 14 in 13 seconds.  (He was getting a PhD in math, and was finally able to put that to good use.)

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 26 March 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Impressive (and obscure) knowledge on Presidential elections wins jackpots.

An educated (and somewhat lucky) guess on aviation history meant winning cash.


The Mr Men & Little Miss books are going to be going in some strange and sometimes scary new directions.

Little Miss Influencer

Mr Revenge Porn

Little Miss Karen

Mr You’re on Mute

Little Miss Vegan

Mx Gender is a Construct

Little Miss “They” Pronoun

Mr Straight Cis White Man

Little Miss Retired at 25

Mr Heteronormative Patriarchy

Little Miss Only Fans Millionaire

Mr Red Flag

Little Miss WWIII

Mr #MeToo

Little Miss Defamation

Little Miss Putin

Mr Always Bets Five on the Gambler’s Question

Little Miss Sense of Impending Doom

Little Miss Owned by Disney

Mr Metaverse

Little Miss Iced Double Pump Vanilla Latte with Oat Milk & Fresh Ice

Little Miss Duck Lips

Mr Have You Tried Cryptocurrency

Little Miss Who You Calling Miss


Throbbing Sandwich

Meaty Frog

Furry Pickle

Furry Mustard

Portable Paris

Cantankerous Lollipop

Communist Potato

Spicy Human

Fat Calculator

Smouldering Groot

Beautiful Straightjacket

Little Miss Chimney


A new player identified Switzerland as one of her strengths in trivia. Not European geography in general, but specifically Switzerland. As it happens, one of the picture questions was a silhouette of Switzerland… which she failed to identify. This is why you should never say you’re really good at something. You just look like a fool if you’re wrong.

A question on fashion brands resulted in no less than three teams checking out the Levis logo on a teammate’s jeans. And the question wasn’t even about Levis.

One team predicted they would finish in 5th place. And then finished in… 5th place, which is impressively accurate when there are 9 teams.

And we heard someone describe a teammate as a nerd. Now let’s be clear. Anyone who comes to one of our shows is voluntarily taking an exam on a weeknight. NOBODY gets to use the word “nerd” as an insult. We depend on nerds for our whole business model.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 19 March 2022

If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They finished last, but still got the jackpot, because they thought a brand of beer “sounded Polish”.


We learned a lot of new facts, none of which were actual facts.

Cow urine cures COVID

You can’t catch COVID from close contacts

In the 1800s, firefighters grew long moustaches to filter out the smoke.

Prince Phillip invented the party popper

Krispy Kreme means Lard Souffle in Finnish

67% of statistics are made up

Dodgy statistics make you 95% smarter

Ferrets are arctic snakes

Scomo announces consensual sex is illegal

All dogs are Republican

Earth is the closest planet to the Sun

Spiders don’t swallow

The Earth is flat all the way down

The Wordle couple split up

Dogs can’t look up

Organic beer is made by people with yeast infections

If you put food up your butt you poop out of your mouth

Gum takes seven years to digest

Jet fuel melts steel beams

Eating chocolate makes you lose weight

Fish can smell colours

Chuck Norris invented Tinder

We win every week

We don’t have a team name

The last few team names from iQ Trivia were really funny


Greasy Florence

Mexican Fire

Vajazzled Gluten

Beer Label

Forlorn DJ Deck

Saintly Vampire

Rambuncious Leprechaun

Omniscient Date


Who sang A Thousand Miles? Terry Crews in White Chicks. Well, it’s not wrong.

Wars where Australians won the most Victoria Crosses? The Emu War.

Common words ending in GY? Not strategy & technology, but soggy & tangy.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 12 March 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Humans do odd things. Here’s what the first person to do odd things thought.

I’m going to close one eye and open it again really quickly in the direction of the object of my affection to let them know I am attracted to them. It may also work to demonstrate I am making a joke.

I was thirsty so I decided to yank on the pink undercarriage of a cow.

Sure I’ll marry you. I’d love to have the same name as your mother.

Time for some dirty hot leaf water.

I just cooked you bread. Cook it again.

Welcome to Finland where we sit in REALLY hot rooms while completely naked.

I’ll dress my baby in pink so people know how to react.

I can’t get aroused. Beat me with a leather paddle.

I’m going to ask how you’re going and not listen to the answer.

My mother birthed me, so now I annually gather with loved ones.

What’s that snotty thing in the shell? I think I’ll call it an oyster.

I think I’ll eat that thing that came out of that chicken’s butt.

That’s a nice bird. I’ve got the perfect cage for it.

I’m gonna pat this wolf.

Yum yum, scrambled chicken period.

If I stomp on these grapes, will I get drunk?

My grape juice has gone bad! Oh wait, it’s gone GOOD!


Lazy House

Drinking Paris

Vladimir Putin Stuck in a Flood

Salty Cricket

Crunchy Grandma

Outrageous Scissors

Cuddly Demon

Rambunctious Baroness

Anxious Snoopy


Who composed The Nutcracker? Peter Trotsky.

Question about pictures of Mads Mikkelsen in Casino Royale, and in Doctor Strange. Answer: I know this guy and both films but I am blanking and I am going to hate myself when I find out.

The homework question is usually too tough to get without looking it up. But one team complained that it was too easy, because they knew it all without looking it up. (So we gave them a bonus point. Obscure knowledge pays off.)

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 5 March 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Knowing about Nigerian languages paid off.


You re-vowelled a lot of musicians and bands.





Rad Hat Challa Pappars

Smosh Mooth

The Deers



Kyloo Monogoo

Bette Medler


Beckstreet Beys

Fufty C*nt

Jock Block


Tha Cat Ampara


Flitwiid Mic


Gins Ind Risis

Orctoc Monkoys

Lodo Gogo

Ponoc Ot Tho Dosco

The Crenberrees

Cold Ploy


Gong of Yooths


Stooly Don

Joston Boobor


Calvan Harras

Foll Oot Boy


Running Dinosaur

Crumply Skeleton

Colourful Cat

Hairy Spam

Vicious Avocado

Caricature Playing Cards

Dainty Fools

Glistening Frenchman

Digging Tree

Top Gun (actually stuck to his head and set on fire)

Sneeeeaky Hippo

Negative Amoeba


We asked how long it took the Apollo astronauts to get to the moon, and got the answer “it took Tom Hanks about 90 minutes in Apollo 13.”

What makes Australians swear the most? The actual answer was driving. But we had to give points to teams that said “assembling IKEA furniture” and “greeting friends”.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 26 February 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


They enjoyed winning other people’s money


Films “re-vowelled”.

Schundlur’s Lust

Tho Loon Kong

Durty Hurry

Blick Swin

Jorossoc Pork

Hoppy Foot

Moon Gorls


Meet The Peerents

Thi Mighty Dicks

Monstors Onc

Tho Dork Knoght

Finding Nimi

Fondong Nomo

Fundung Numu

Bring It In

Rad Dag


The Breekfest Cleb

Botmon Bogons

Tha Jangle Baak

Jews III


Tay Stary

Rogong Boll

Stor Wors

Ma, Mysalf, and Arana

Tho Rossoons oro Comong



The Three Mesketeers

Shittir Islind

Forrost Gomp

Cunt Hurdly Wuut


Doo Hord

Thu Ussussunutuun uf Jussu Jumus by thu Cuwurd Ruburt Furd.

Dr. Strunguluvu ur Huw U Luurnud tu Stup Wurryung und Luvu thu Bumb

Tho Showshonk Rodomptoon

Tho Bog Lobowsko


127 Hoors


Girthy Stewart

Beautiful Horse

Aggressive Totem Pole

Sleepy Dog

Duck Playing Football

Demented Skunk

Hairy Bird

Fragile Gnome

Busty Penguins

Dyslexic Deity


How may people are in space right now, we asked. The answer “technically we’re all in space”, we decided wasn’t technically wrong.

Spinoffs of The Real Housewives of New York City? How about Chlamydia?

We asked a gambler’s question about how long it take mammals to urinate. Some of you tried to test it in the few minutes between the gambler’s question & the end of round two.

See you next week.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 19 February 2022

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Here’s how to break up.

Ruin their Wordle, Myrtle

Punch her in the face, Jase

Move to Azerbaijan, Millan

Jump of a cliffany, Tiffany

Go join Al-Qaeda, Ida

No more snatch, Benedict Cumberbatch

Get a new man, Jan

Just leave, Steve

Now we’re even, Steven

Be a mediocre white guy, Guy

I’m completely sick of you, Hugh

Get off the ship like a rat, Pat

Stop riding that dick, Rick

Climb a tree, Brie

It’s not you it’s me, Maree

Suck an egg, Greg

Get a job, Bob

Get a new shag, Morag

Go f*ck her dad, Ad

Admit you’re a prick, Rick

Leave her on read, Ted

Get off the jetty, Betty

Tell her you never want to see her again, Lando Calrissian

Turn anti-vax, Jax

Don’t get the vaccine, Marine

Write a Dear John, Siobhan

Tell her you’re gay, Jay


Stupendous Cat

Hilarious Topic

Robust Cat

Ugly Kevin Spacey

Fierce Flamingo

Voluptuous Pineapple

Mobile Immortal


Every team got a question on French Presidents, except for the one team with an ACTUAL French person.

We played Livin’ on a Prayer in a medieval style. People still sung along.

And we had to break a tie when one team answered with “rock paper scissors” like they did when playing “rock paper scissors lizard Spock” on Big Bang Theory and another answered with “scissors paper rock”. Normally you get credit for that, but not when it’s a tie at the end of the night.

See you next week.