Tag Archives: triviart

This Week in iQ Trivia – 11 November 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Once in a while knowing about Austrian physicists turns into cash, like it did for these three.


Here are some solid gold ways to annoy people.

Asking a Canadian “what part of America are you from”

Ask a Trump supporter to spell “illiterate”

Ask Trump if he wants nachos tonight

Blocking an escalator (pisses off everyone)

Asking Scottish people whereabouts in England they are from

Tell a nerd that Pi equals exactly 3

Asking Asians when they’re going to become doctors

Ask a politician if they’re a duel citizen

Voting No

Want to buy a house? Get a better job.

Melbourne is better than Sydney

How to piss off British people… say “I hope you don’t mind but I added the milk first.”

Asking a vegan where they get their protein

When people don’t put down a team name at trivia (YES!)

and finally… Asking a trivia host to repeat a question a dozen times. We can assure you this WILL piss of a trivia host.


Malicious Communist

Shifty Nun

Dirty Horse

Nerdy Glasses

Delightful Duck


We instituted a new policy. If your team is made up entirely of people from Hokkaido, Japan, (like one team this week) you get a bonus point. Playing trivia in a different culture and a different language like that is worth a point.

After a question about the correct length for a tie, every man in the room who was wearing a tie discovered they had it at the wrong length.

And we found out that one of our regular players leaves our Tuesday night show in Chatswood and then takes the train home to Lithgow in the Blue Mountains (which we calculate as a 3.5 hour trip.) For your dedication to the trivial arts, we salute you.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 4 November 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These guys came in first place in the regular quiz by knowing a lot about Gangnam Style, and won the jackpot by knowing about South American geography. (It helps to have an actual South American on your team.)

And these guys did a better job than anyone else of figuring out the number of sides of a polygon internal angles all of a certain size (though even they admitted they still guessed.)


Rolf Harris stars in child protection video (which actually happened.)

Oscar Pistorius – International White Ribbon Ambassador and Firearms Safety Expert

George Pell – Goodwill Ambassador for Children

Kim Jong-un win’s the Biggest Loser

Warnie on the Bachelor

Kony for Anti Slave Labour

Duterte Appointed Leader of the Cali Cartel

Rasputin as a spokesman for erectile dysfunction

Team Bagpuss for Tuesday Night Sobriety

Pauline Hanson – Federal Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

Tony Abbott Minister for Women

Turnbull named chair of Spinal Life Australia

Hillary Clinton – Internet Security Expert

Dracula Running the Blood Bank

Nobel Peace Prize for Aung San Suu Kyi… oh shit, too real?

Joseph Fritzl – Father of the Year

Kevin Spacey’s YMCA


Swedish Blackboard

Hairy Hibiscus

Gargantuas Gargartuan

Fast Carpet

Cycling Paper

Open Door

Erect Apple


Two of our hosts did their shows on Halloween in costume.

One of our teams named the two largest cities in Israel, and consulted with an Israeli born bartender to spell them in Hebrew for a bonus point.

Someone described Senator Matt Canavan as Senator My Mummy Did It.

One player got a bonus question by writing the US state Connecticut on his hand when he had no more paper nearby.

In news that will confirm national stereotypes, a team made up primarily of Scotsmen was the only ones to say they would take half a million dollars in exchange for being rained on constantly for the rest of their lives.

And finally, when we asked a question on Pringles, one player asked if his team could get a bonus point for having a Pringles tattoo. Well if you’re willing to show everyone the side of your ass, you get a bonus point.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 28 October 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


This guy was part of a team that won a jackpot by not giving into panic when faced with a math question. Then he got all depressed when we forgot to take a photo on the night, so this is what he looks like now.


Here’s what you want millennials to kill next.

Communicating by any means other than meme’s

Unsolicited dick pics

Themselves and their hopes and dreams

Dress codes at restaurants


The Member for Warringah




Being Vegan

Boomer’s savings

Trivia Nights


Depressed Cat

Icy Glasses

Fast Beer

Hot Clock

Childish Wizard



One team thought the famous photo of Nicky Winmar responding to racial abuse was actually him giving an anatomy lesson.

When asked to play an audio clip again, one of our hosts imitated the bass line from Radar Love.

Two teams tied for the closest guess on the length of time for the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait… with three days. How they both managed to guess the exact same wrong answer so far off the correct answer of 209 is beyond us.

When asked how many were killed by John Coffey in The Green Mile, one team argued it was -1, because he brought a dead mouse back to life.

We spotted two players whose native language was not English humming Rock the Casbah by The Clash into the Shazam app because they didn’t know the title.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 21 October 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These American students have been steadily improving their scores, and this week knew enough about Czech cities through a Czech classmate to win a jackpot.

And one their first visit to iQ Trivia, this group won both first place in the quiz (despite not knowing the homework question) and a jackpot by knowing about the Zika virus.


You came up with a lot of pointlessly expensive products.

Saffron Pepper Spray

Truffle Infused Gold Flaked Caviar Tacos

Truffle Toothpaste

Golden Escalators (like the King of Saudi Arabia)

Fair Trade Ivory Handled Toothbrush

24 Carat Gold Spray Tan

24K Gold Dildos

Gold Q-Tips

Gold Loo Roll

Gold Leaf Vodka

Diamond Toothpicks

Gucci Leather Jogging Pants (which is apparently an actual product)



Smashed Avo

The United States Defense Budget

Rhinocerous Horn Cufflinks with WiFi

Jewel Encrusted Air Guitar

and perhaps the most extravagant of all… The Marriage Equality Plebiscite


Judgemental Rib

Pretty Pi

Esoteric Tumbler

Smelly Hamburger

Horny Nation


When they couldn’t come up with another national capital starting with W, one team wrote Moscow upside down.

When asked where in Australia the Fortescue River was, we had to remind one team that Florean Fortuescue’s Ice Cream Parlour is both fictional, and not in Australia.

One team didn’t know who the Socceroos were playing next until an ad for the next game came up on the TV.

On a jackpot question, one team guessed (we suspect facetiously) that the longest serving Prime Minister of Israel was Yassir Arafat.

When being asked to do some math and show their work, one team got every aspect of the question wrong but still managed to get the final answer right.

Someone mistook Fiddler on the Roof for The Princess Bride.

When we were listing film roles for a bonus question and looking for Steve Buscemi as an answer, two teams who hadn’t listened to the question rushed up to us with the answer Con Air.

The blokiest team in the place turned out to be the biggest fans of Meryl Streep’s performance in The Devil Wears Prada.

The biggest cheer of the week was for the team who came in last for the second consecutive week, and has become something of a specialist is choosing the last place subject.

And finally, when reading the answers we had some help with reading the names of four Chinese provincial capitals from someone whose Mandarin is considerably better than ours.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 14 October 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.

These guys forgot to come up with a team name fitting our criteria and so went with “F*ck your point we’re Team Bagpuss” and still managed to come out ahead.


These guys came up short in the quiz, but still managed to win $70 in the jackpot round.


Here’s the dumbest things Facebook could advertise to you.

Real estate ads aimed at millennials

Beats headphones for the deaf

Venetian blinds for the homeless

Healthcare for the dead

Pauline Hanson’s Mosque Design

Seasons tickets to Melbourne Storm games

Russian brides advertised to actual Russian brides

iQ Trivia for One Nation Voters

Gym memberships for paraplegics

Tanning salons for Nigerian Princes

Viagra for lesbians

Viagra for eunuchs

How to vote cards for North Koreans


Vindictive Taco

Beautiful Lions

Fruitful Pint Glass

Salubrious Man

Furry Beaver

Lesbian Scissors

Rusty Salmon


One team didn’t know that Catalonia was the region of Spain that held a referendum on separation, but they did give us a detailed explanation of the politics of the situation and got a point anyway.

A player who has frequently mentioned his own hubris was asked a question in our lightning around, to which hubris was LITERALLY the answer.

One team guessed that John Cougar Mellancamp’s little ditty about about Jack & Diane included the line “I would really like to eat a leg of ham.”

Lee Lin Chin’s occupation was described (not incorrectly) as Head Bitch of SBS.

One team fell for our obvious lie about the coat of arms of Denmark containing salmon.

A disturbing number of teams didn’t list New York as being one of the four states within 100km of Times Square.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 7 October 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


Here’s what you thought your computer would say if it could talk.

I don’t want to tell you how to live your life, but a Nigerian Prince? Seriously?

Learn how to spell! I’m sick of always correcting your spelling!

Clear you browser history!

Are you really over 18?

Stop sticking your disc in me

Ram your floppy disc in my hard drive

Stop googling that and go to a doctor!

Why do we always have to watch what you want to watch?


Sporty Princess

Hot Cakes

Running Square

Funky Glasses

Sh!tty Ship


When we played a Beyonce song backwards, one team gave us “ecnoyeB” as their answer.

People who forgot to do their homework on New Zealand Prime Ministers gave us Jonah Lomu, Dave Dobbin, and That Whale From That Beached As video.

One team knew the names AND numbers of all British monarchs going back to 1700, and one thought the current Queen was Queen Elizabeth III.

And the mysterious Jono finally turned up and stopped his team from always coming in second to coming in first.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 30 September 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


It was their first time to trivia, but these two won not only first place, but $130 cash in the jackpot round by knowing more than anyone else about comedians and NRL Grand Finals.


You came up with plenty of alternatives to Elf on a Shelf.

Danny DeVito on a Speedo

Sailor Moon on a Spoon

Kim Jong-un on a Spoon

Spongebob on the Knob

Bagpuss on the Ragpuss

Trump on the Dump (plenty of these)

Dump on the Trump (and these)

King Kong on the Bong

Franger in the Hanger

Glass on the Ass

Lannisters on the Bannisters

Jizz on the Quiz (complete with a “deposit” of some variety)


Triumphant Hat

Green Horse

Horny Host

Angry Table

Smelly Penguin

Kvelling Penguin


The only player on one team who knew about the Newman/Redford film The Sting was Italian, so she answered La Stangata… and got a point given the circumstances.

One team mistook the singer Charlie Puth for the son on the President of Russia and called him Charlie Putin.

When you ask for a bonus point for knowing the stadium in which the first Rugby World Cup Final was played, first you might want to make sure you’ve got the right city… in the right country.

One player did the whitest Beyonce impression we’ve ever seen.

Someone thought you need to make $75k to be in the top half of income world wide, which either means they’re terrible at math or they have a terribly unrealistic sense of money.

Someone tried (and failed) to convince us that pregnancies last ten months instead of nine.

And once again, “Jono” failed to turn up to trivia. You are letting your team down Jono… whoever you are.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 23 September 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These guys knew enough about My Big Fat Greek Wedding to win $173 of other people’s money.

And these guys knew more about bells than anyone else (and immediately ploughed their winnings into another round at the bar.)


Here’s what you think you’ll be Googling hundreds of years in the future.

How to kill Robo-Putin

When did Fuhrer Trump assume power

Who assassinated Donald Trump

When was President Kardashian elected

Where did North Korea used to be?

When will my neighbourhood get the NBN

When was the Simpsons first aired

Will Liverpool break their 230 year drought

In what year did Australia become part of New Zealand

How to score Thunderdome tickets

Scuba diving tours of New Orleans

How to survive in 70 degree heat

Home remedies for radiation burns

DIY Heart Transplant

What did people use to buy things before bitcoin

Single Asian cyborgs in my area

Signs my sex robot wants to kill me


Adventurous Mango

Pubescent Pickle

Bourgeois Survey

Sexy Banana

Pussy Cat

Wanking Dynamite


A surprising number of British people didn’t know which way was up on the Union Jack.

Guesses about the distance to the centre of the earth ranged from 50km to 573,000km (which is the distance to the moon and half way back.)

One player complained that there were no questions on sport, five minutes after we asked a five point question on Major League Baseball, because baseball isn’t the right kind of sport, like NRL. Twenty minutes later, we asked an NRL question, which he got wrong, complaining that it was the wrong kind of NRL question.

One team, having chosen their football club’s latest season as their last place subject, couldn’t remember how many goals they had scored. COME ON! We are rigging this in your favour and you’re still not getting it!

And one guy fused Flashdance with MC Hammer sh!t with a rendition of David Brent’s awful dancing from The Office.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 16 September 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These guys nearly talked themselves out of the correct answer in the jackpot round, but still managed to take home $237.


You had some good ideas for Google searches 200 years ago.

Pimp My Penny Farthing

When’s Jane Austen’s new novel out?

Jane Austen Nudes

Why won’t Sir let me have more?

Is Napoleon Gay?

Is cocaine a miracle drug?

Bargain slaves west Africa hot deals

How do I know if my slave is pregnant with my baby?

2 Slaves 1 Cup

How do you motivate your slaves?

How to change a wagon wheel

How to get a free ticket to Australia

How to Change username: New Holland to Australia

Uninhabited countries to colonise

Is my 14 year old bride having a midlife crisis?

Beethoven’s 5th Guitar Tabs

Beethoven Tour Dates


Furry Sleeve

Hairy Elbow

Triggered Hurricane

Happy Xylophone

Sweaty Cheese

Drunk Angel


One enormous Samoan bouncer outed himself as a secret Atomic Kitten fan.

Someone guessed that one of the members of Pearl Jam was Opal Chutney.

A group of Filipino tourists decided to play along for a bit, and did better than some of the actual team on the things they answered.

Someone argued with one of their teammates that the earth was denser than the moon, saying “we have a molten core of iron you f*ckwit!”

The same guy was arguing about the size of the average testicle, and said “hey there’s no reason to get teste.”

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.

This Week in iQ Trivia – 9 September 2017

Here’s what you may have missed this week at iQ Trivia.


If you won this week, here’s evidence just in case anyone doesn’t believe you.


These guys used the process of elimination to work out a jackpot question on counties of the state of Michigan.

And these guys didn’t actually know about biblical fathers, but chose something that sounded close, and got lucky.


This week’s team names were a real downer.

The only biography anyone will ever write about you is an obituary

Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.

Pulling together only works when you’re not going in opposite directions.

Sunday is followed by Monday

Dance like no one is watching, because you are home alone again on a Saturday night

Always reach for the stars, coz you’re locked in that guy’s basement

Every original thought has probably been thought of before

You can’t always get what you want… but it helps when you inherit a fortune from daddy

Second is the first loser

Climb the highest mountain and shout your dreams to the world… that way nobody will hear you.

Do what you love and never work a day in your life, because that field probably isn’t hiring.

Your family only loves you because they have to.

Remember, somebody loves you. It’s not me. I think you’re a c*nt.


Freelancing “O”s

Stupid Sexy Flanders

Auspicious Cow

Drinking Beard

Friendly Tortoise

Suspicious Wheel

Jumping Orange


One team failed to convince us that it was a coincidence that they happened to Google David Bowie five seconds after we asked a question of David Bowie. (And after that they still didn’t get the right answer.)

One team confused Russell Crowe with Russell Brand, and spend a a couple of minutes trying to think of what Russell Brand roles got Oscar nominations.

When asking what kind of mythology Narcissus came from, one of our hosts accidentally asked “what type of Greek mythology was Narcissus from?” And worse, some teams still didn’t guess Greek.

One of our players helpfully read off the numbers 1 through 4 in Vietnamese, because her pronunciation was a LOT better than ours would have been.

One of our players won beer on a bonus question by writing the answer on the closest thing he had to hand… his hand.

One team refused to answer a question on the distance between Sydney locations as the crow flies, because they claimed there are no crows in Australia. There are.

And one team complained that the homework question was too hard to do without looking it up. It’s the homework question. It gets e-mailed to everyone who wants it before the show. It’s SUPPOSED to be too hard to do without looking it up.

See you next week for more iQ Trivia.