Tag Archives: team name bonus point

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 17 April 2022

For once, our team name theme is not going to be at all cynical or jaded.

We want to hear about the last time something minor made you irrationally happy.

I woke up and realised I didn’t have to wake up for another 30 minutes

Peeling an egg perfectly in one go

Buying petrol five minutes before the price gets jacked up

I found $5 that I thought I had lost

The toilet seat in the petrol station was immaculately clean

Dropping a glass bottle and intercepting it with your foot so it doesn’t break

Taking my bra off when I get home after a long day. EVERY. DAMN. TIME.

Any minor thing that made you oddly happy will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 10 April 2022

Bond villains. They’re always irradiating all the gold in Fort Knox, instigating nuclear wars, or poisoning everyone on Earth.

With your team names this week we want to know about you. What would be your evil scheme if you were a Bond villain?

Expose everyone’s browser history.

Build a giant space laser to graffiti the Sahara desert.

Change the Statue of Liberty so she’s flipping everyone off.

Engineer a disease that forces everyone to stay home and use my company to deliver everything to them.

I’m not telling you, because that’s how every evil scheme gets foiled.

Any evil schemes will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 27 March 2022

Our players are pretty diligent about doing their homework.

But with your team names this week, we want you to imagine not doing your homework.

We want you to do a book report, as if you didn’t read the book.

To Kill a Mockingbird is an instructional manual on getting rid of birds

1984 is book about Michael Jackson

The Grapes of Wrath is a science fiction story about grapes that become sentient and take revenge on humanity for eating them for years.

Oliver Twist is about a boy who starts a dance craze

Any book summaries of books you clearly haven’t read will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 20 March 2022

The Mr Men and Little Miss books have been around for over 50 years. That’s longer than a lot of our players have been alive.

Which means they’re probably due for an update.

For your team name this week, we want you to come up with some new Mr Men or Little Miss characters to reflect current trends.

Little Miss I’m Not Racist But…

Mr Organic Kombucha

Little Miss Vaguebooking

Mr Fake News

Little Miss Selfie

Mr Tinder Predator

Little Miss “Have You Tried Yoga”

Any updated Mr Men or Little Miss characters will get a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 13 March 2022

We deal with facts every week.

But with your team names this week, we don’t want real facts, we want fake facts.

France operates on metric time.  100 minutes per hour, 100 hours per day.

Honey comes from bees, and mustard comes from wasps.

Nobody actually speaks Arabic. It’s just a really elaborate practical joke.

Turtles have gaydar.

Nothing actually true. Any team name based on a fake fact will get you a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 6 March 2022

People do a lot of things that make no sense.

Of course, someone had to be the first to do every strange & illogical thing that we do.

This week, for your team name we want you to imagine the thought process of the first person to do something.

I love you, so here’s a piece of metal to put on one of your digits

That’s a big hill, I think I’ll walk to the top and look around before coming back down

I think your nice so I’m going to give you this dead plant

Oh this, I paid a man to stab me repeatedly and put ink in the holes

Have an interesting week.

Team Name Bonus Point – Week of 13 February 2022

It’s Valentine’s Day this week, so in the spirit of cynicism, we’re turning to Paul Simon’s song Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover.

Of course, he only mentions five ways in the song. So we’re going to help him get to 50.

Get on a ferry, Barry

Do what you gotta do, Sue

Sneak off like a thief, Chief

Fake your own death, Beth

Have an honest conversation to see if you can resolve your differences, and if you can’t, split up amicably like mature adults, Schultz

Come up with a rhyming way to breakup, preferably using the name of someone on your team for a bonus point.

Have an interesting week.